Recent content by bulatz

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  1. B

    plants not growing or dying

    well i live in florida, tampa area to be exact so our water is very hard. so i took my water to lfs and first time getting water tested so i dunno how they are suppose to do it. they used the same drops i have at home api drops? and they only test for the basic ph/nitrate/ammonia/nitrite things...
  2. B

    plants not growing or dying

    ok thanks u r the best, if its a carbon problem how do i get carbon? do i need to buy some sort of system that i see online? it seems very much like a pain to have... ive avoided even reading about them to much. ill bring in my water to sample for sure somewhere tommorow, i have kh drops but i...
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    plants not growing or dying

    ive been havin tough times with plants for awhile now, i got some sagittaria subulata, a good amount of cryptocoreans, anubias, and java fern. the sagittaria subulata has some green/yellow leaves and also melts some leaves away, it looks bad but it never actually dies. cryptocorean are probably...
  4. B

    angelfish stuck under rocks/log

    ya he died rip the lil boi put him in a new tank by himself, i also used aquarium salt very lightly i read it is good to use for injuries/disease which makes sense. im always scared to use aquarium salt tho, plus it says like 1 tbs per 3 gallon which seems like so much salt so i usually put...
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    angelfish stuck under rocks/log

    so i left home for a bit, came back and found an angelfish still breathing trapped under some rocks/driftwood on its side, doesn't look like he was trapped for long to me. i immediately of course got him out. his back tail fin is slightly torn up along with one of his swimming fins not sure what...
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    yoyo loach

    ahh thanks it wasnt really anything he is fine the next morning just got me scared a bit
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    yoyo loach

    so i was about to sleep and kept hearing splashing from the tank and i see it was one of my yoyo loaches. i have 6 of them and they all chillin but the one was sort of going to top of tank quick and bashing itself once or twice... and i see it breathing very rapidly. not sure what to do about...
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    Too much Potassium??

    ah it worked itself out i wasn't reading in the right places, was just sort of an bacteria bloom or watever from excess nitrates maybe. another week and it was all gone
  9. B

    Too much Potassium??

    So ive been having some plant problems, seems like a lack of nutrients for sure, yellow wilting, no new growth hardly ever. Holes in leaves, all that stuff. im still trying to figure it all out but ive been dosing NilocG ferts and root tabs but in addition to my problems ive added seachem...
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    aquarium plant trouble

    sounds good. well the thing that really concerns me is im finding the plants floating at the surface of the water and the roots are withered away, see thru and mushy. to me it would make sense if thats happening, there are none or not enough nutrients in the substrate? thats just my guess. i...
  11. B

    Koi angelfish egg advice

    angelfish layed new eggs and i just transffered them to my 20g tank got it setup just now. i used an already cycled sponge filter for the 20g. alot of algae came off from it, cleaned most of it out but a little algae debri isnt gonna hurt the eggs or fry if they hatch right? it was funny they...
  12. B

    aquarium plant trouble

    oh it is java fern and not in substrate i attached it to my driftwood like i read. im more concerned about the other plant in the pic ive had it for like 2-3 weeks and it looks real good but slowly kinda melting some parts turning brown. gonna put the required fert and hope that fixes it
  13. B

    aquarium plant trouble

    i guess also i might not be using fertilizer enough. im stupid for some reason i put a little less than a full cap a week i been using the same measurement as my prime cap haha. but the fertilizer says put a capful once or 2x a week for 60g and i have a 75g dont know how i messed that up and...
  14. B

    aquarium plant trouble

    hopefully these pics r decent sorry they are sideways for some reason, im not so worried about the sword plant i think thats its name it doesnt look good but im more worried of the other plant, dont know the name but i got alot of it and it looked real good, its beginning to semi melt and turn...
  15. B

    Koi angelfish egg advice

    cool cool yeah i seen them fanning the eggs was interesting. im gonna try to buy a heater tommorow and switch it and see what happens. can i not leave the eggs/fry if i have any just in my main tank but in a breeding container thing closed off from the other fish? i know ideally in the future i...
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