Recent content by ccronje

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. C

    Is this Canal Neuromast?

    Thank you for the advice Andy. the Firts products are not available here, but I'll look for something local with that ingredient.
  2. C

    Is this Canal Neuromast?

    Thank you Andy for the reply. I have never dewormed them...can you suggest a good treatment?
  3. C

    Is this Canal Neuromast?

    Hi All, One of my 4 Geophagus Tapajos has had these white spots on it's head for quite a while. Does this appear to be canal neuromast, or is it something genetic? Thanks Chris
  4. C

    Black algae?

    I can't say for sure if it's algae, but it appear to be...saw a few spots here and there on the rocks and then it started spreading. Toothbrush helps, but due to the texture of the rock it is very difficult to get it off completely.
  5. C

    Black algae?

    Hi all, Can anyone perhaps identify this black algae that I have on my rocks? Thank you Chris
  6. C

    Measuring PH accurately

    Hi All, I'm struggling to accurately determine the PH of my water and I was wondering if anyone can explain why I get such different PH readings when testing with strips vs the API PH test kit I have. According to the JBL test strips I have the PH is around 6.5 or not even registering (see...
  7. C

    The cursed tank.

    Could be, but personally I did not do a single water change during my cycle while using Prime. I don't recall seeing that Seachem recommends that.
  8. C

    The cursed tank.

    Prime worked very well for me when I did a fish in cycle on a new tank. Absolutely no signs of any distress on the fish throughout the ammonia and nitrite spikes.
  9. C

    The cursed tank.

    You could try Seachem Prime to detoxify the Ammonia and Nitrites, but why does your PH and Alkalinity seem to be zero?
  10. C

    Algae identification

    Can anyone perhaps help identify these types of algae are that I have on my driftwood?
  11. C

    My unphotogenic aquarium

    There is really no need for this kind of tone. I would not be making a comment about peppering and backgrounds if I have not Googled this extensively.
  12. C

    My unphotogenic aquarium

    I understand what you mean about colors in general but I was referring to peppering which I believe will happen to the Pigeon Blood discus if they have dark surroundings?
  13. C

    My unphotogenic aquarium

    Thanks everyone for the input, I appreciate that you took the time to reply. I considered a black background, but from what I've read this is not recommended for Discus because it will make them turn dark to match their surroundings. Is this not the case?
  14. C

    My unphotogenic aquarium

    Hi All, I love looking at my aquarium, but whenever I try to take a photo or video of it, it just looks I'm hoping I can get some input here from the experts. When the aquarium lights are off and I take a photo under natural light it looks true to what I see when I look at the tank...
  15. C

    Clearer Water

    Hi All, I've had this 200L fish only hardscape aquarium for about 3 months are really healthy, water parameters are good (no Nitrates detectable), very little signs of algae and generally it looks pretty good. However, the water is not as crystal clear as I would like
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