Recent content by corn_pea

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. C

    Sexing problems

    I was thinking that they were both boys too until last night. The german was twitching his head after they had their little dance and then he started digging a little in the sand, but not big enough for a “pit”. They’ve been hanging out near this one rock all day and constantly swim together...
  2. C

    Outdoor pond

    Oh yeah I forgot to mention, this pond would be in my atrium, which is still outside but there are walls on all 4 sides of the pond, therefore it’s very shaded! I will definitely add more shade above it since the top of the atrium is open
  3. C

    Outdoor pond

    Guppies sounds cute! I always have extra heaters lying around so I think imma do guppies [emoji18] thank you
  4. C

    Outdoor pond

    I was thinking of those fish as well. Im helping to build it for my mom and she wants goldfish in it [emoji51] im tryna convince her otherwise. It gets kinda cold in the winter for a few days, but other than that it’s always hot here. here’s what it looks like
  5. C

    New tank- General Q’s

    To answer the question about stocking, yes it is over stocked. Is the tank cycled? How long has it been running? Do you have an api test kit? If so please give us the parameters and make sure you dont use the test strips because they’re not always accurate. Lmk
  6. C

    Sexing problems

    The store said the GBR is a male and the EBR is a female. Reddit is pretty sure the EBR is a female (and so am I) but now i’m questioning if my GBR is also a female. Im attaching some videos on their behavior and the last one is the EBR sleeping and she looks pretty round and gravid in it...
  7. C

    Kuhli loach had seizures and died

    Update, almost all the loaches have died, only 3 remain. Reddit thinks it was a bad batch because there’s nothing alarming in the tank. I am buying HEALTHY adult kuhlis from a reputable source now. Such a shame my LFS would even sell these to me knowing they were bad. I’ve bought good healthy...
  8. C

    Kuhli loach had seizures and died

    29 gallon heavily planted with ample amount of hiding spaces, lights are on for >10 hours daily, tankmates are 4 platys, 2 rams, 5 corys and 7 kuhlis. Did a water change before I put them into the tank. I acclimated them for 40+ minutes, floated the bag and slowly added tank water to bag. Fed...
  9. C

    Kuhli loach had seizures and died

    I just purchased 8 kuhlis >48 hours ago and all of them are normal except one. He was laying on his side when I got home and then he had a seizure and stopped moving. he was still breathing after the seizure and then he had another one and passed away. Normal parameters (0 ammonia, 0 nitrite...
  10. C

    Male or Female?

    recently they’ve been “dancing” if you want I can send you a video. The female stopped chasing the male around and he has been chasing her now. He is also pecking at her face and she just takes it she doesn’t even try to do it back or swim away.
  11. C

    Ammonia Level Stabilization

    I would take out the gouramis as well because they’re very delicate to bad water parameters. Keeping the livebearers is a good idea because they’re very hardy and in my experience are good at starting up a cycle
  12. C

    Ammonia Level Stabilization

    What fish stores are you consulting? If it’s a petco or petsmart or any other chain pet store, I wouldnt trust everything they say and do the research yourself. Here is a website on how to correctly cycle a tank sounds like ur...
  13. C

    My pleco is floating around the tank.

    No problem! Good luck [emoji106]
  14. C

    My pleco is floating around the tank.

    Make sure u do research before getting new fish and use this website. Also, is it a bristlenose pleco?
  15. C

    My pleco is floating around the tank.

    That’s definitely why they’re dying after putting them in [emoji28] the different water parameters puts them into shock and kills them. Here’s a good video DO NOT let the store water get into your tank because it will introduce all the bad bacteria. Also I recommend...
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