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  1. J

    Oil surface cause may be damaging my tank?

    Firstly, apologies as I know I have asked questions about an oily surface before. Nothing I do gets rid of it. I have tried the kitchen towel/skimming techniques, as well as dipping a cup just below the surface to collect it, but within a few days/weeks it returns. So just now live with it...
  2. J

    Is this fish ill with Whitespot/fungus, or just discoloured?

    Is this fish ill with Whitespot/fungus, or just discoloured? Got 6 harlequin rasboras (now 5 as one died) on 18th of Feb to join 3 tetras in my 60L tank. I noticed one had a white mark and frail looking top fin (didn’t look severe enough toi be fin rot). I have treated with Whitespot and fungus...
  3. J

    What causes illness if water conditions are fine?

    Hi, Over the past few months ive had a range of issues in the tank. When ive had a major issue ive done water tests which all give fine water readings. A few times ive even taken a sample to the fish store to do more detailed tests, and these also come back fine. Are there some generic things I...
  4. J

    Fat tetra or illness?

    Fat tetra, or illness? Ive noticed one of my tetras grow a large belly recently. He’s always been one of the larger fish, but not noticed this before. He seems perfectly fine, isn’t gasping, is still eating, no issues swimming/floating, but as you can see, is a much rounder belly than...
  5. J

    Plants turning to membrane

    Plants turning to membrane/mesh, but sprouting new leaves. Hi, some of my plants are thriving, while some seem to be turning to membrane/mesh. They are still alive and growing as they will establish new leaves, but as soon as these get to a reasonable size, they seem to die off. 2 plants...
  6. J

    How often to replace certain elements (e.g. Filter media)

    Hi, I'm relatively new to fishkeeping, and after a very rocky start, now have a stable tank. However I've found out some advice I was given, and even instruction on packaging has been 'wrong'/not necessarily what's best for the tank. So I'm just looking for some advice on the below: 1) How...
  7. J

    Coloured lights Vs white light

    I have been battling what looks like Black Beard algae (or some similar hair algae) for a while with no luck. as its progressed it seems to be killing off a fair few plants (slowly turning yellow/brown/ pale, before withering away to mush), creating alot of debri, which im sure enhances the...
  8. J

    Green slime/sludge algae - cant control and destroying plants

    Hi, Im struggling with algae in my tank that has been present for a few weeks / a month or two, and is coating the plants and slowly killing them, as well as coating a lot of the lower class and substrate. I try to remove what I can by siphoning the gravel and peeling bits of the plants, but...
  9. J

    Foily / Oily surface scum

    Hi, Im currently battling with an oil-like surface scum. I have started dipping a cup just below the surface during each water change to try and remove as much of it (without collecting too much water) as I can, but it seems to return within a day or two. Ive also now tried laying paper towels...
  10. J

    How to manage / remove algae (varius types) ?

    Hi, My tank seems to be a bit invested with different types of mold including: - A green sludge type that forms on the glass just above substrate - Black hair like algae forming on some of the plants ( black beard algae i believe?) - A greenish fuzz growing on the tank ornament - A black...
  11. J

    pale neon tetra

    Hi guys, One of my neon tetras is slowly losing alot of colour. He likes to spend alot of his time inside my ornaments hiding away in the dark (and always has enjoyed hiding away in corners/plants), so I'm unsure if his loss of colour is due to spending so much time in the dark, or if there...
  12. J

    Desperate help needed ! Tank cycle crashed. Cant get 'fish-in cycle' to start

    Long story short, due to changing my aquarium substrate on 11th of June. As a result, my cycle crashed (Despite using the same filter and aquarium water prior to the crash) while the aquarium still contains fish. Ive been following guides on trying to start a “fish-in cycle” but I’m...
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