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  1. J

    What plant is this??

    Hi, this may be an obvious question but what type of plant is this? Is it an Anubis? It has hard black roots. Any help would be great Thanks, Jack
  2. J

    Aggressive Cherry Barb

    Hi. So I have the fluvial flex 57l tank. Been setup for about 4 months now. Currently have only 4 tetras (planning on getting a few more) and 5 cherry barbs. One male and four females. Also have a few snails and shrimp. Tank is set up with a deep substrate of soil and sand with two pieces of...
  3. J

    Albino African Clawed Dwarf Frog Stressed???

    So I have a 9 gallon fluval flex tank that has been setup for the best part of 6 months now. I have 5 amano shrimp, one nerite snail and two albino dwarf frogs. So I have been noticing over the last few days that one of my frogs is spending all his time at the top of tank, squashed between the...
  4. J

    Room lights stressing fish??

    Hi I am pretty new to this. I have a planted 9 gallon tank stocked with guppies and tetras. I leave my aquarium lights on for about 8 hours a day. Recently purchased a timer to make things easier. I have the tank in the living room. My question is, will my room light stress my fish after their...
  5. J


    Hi, thanks for the add. Very new to the hobby. Have a 9 gallon freshwater tank setup for about 8 weeks now with guppies and cardinal tetras. I look forward to chatting with you guys, Jack
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