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  1. F

    Can fish medications cause shrimp to go sterile?

    Hello, So I inherited some shrimp from someone quitting the hobby after some disasters the final being worms and stuff in the tank and a dying beta and I believe they dosed the tank with Metroplex and Kanaplex as those meds were given to me in all the stuff. I have since upgraded the tank and...
  2. F

    Anyone have experience with sick banjo catfish/lumps on fish?

    Woke up and one of my two banjo cats was showing off and eating pellets when I saw this decent sized lump on there back that is for sure new within the last week or two. Is this something I should be worried about? Is it like fish cancer and I can't do anything? It doesn't look gross or like an...
  3. F

    What are these little white things in my filter?!

    1 Yes I know the bladder snails are everywhere... don't worry I have one assassin snail :) I was doing a water change and turned off my filter because it was scaring da fishys :microwave: I looked into the filter to see how many snails had gotten in and what they were planning and hopefully...
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