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  1. L

    Plant Identification?

    Does anyone know what plant this is? I got it in a plant mystery box and it was unlabeled the bag just said "float plant" on it. It's been about a month and I love they way it's grown out and would love to buy more I just don't know what it's called any help would be appreciated!
  2. L

    Quick cycle?

    Theoretically how fast can a tank cycle? I was gifted a small 10 gallon tank for my birthday and loaded it with plants from an established tank from my LFS. I also took gravel out of my established tank to put into my sponge filter. As of today I had a nitrite reading of 5.0ppm and 0 for ammonia...
  3. L

    Angelfish breeding pair or fighting??

    I have 2 angelfish that I bought from my LFS. I bought them both from the same tank when they were quite young. The owner said they were too young to sex but as they got bigger it seemed like a male and female. The whole time I've had them in the tank they always swim together and they're never...
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