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  1. Amaunet

    Any help appreciated

    Thoughts and advice. I moved my tank from one room to another, and I’ve been having some interesting developments. Here’s a reader’s digest to save some scrolling. After moving it the ph dropped from 7.4 to 6.6, and I had a small ammonia spike (0.25 ppm) and nitrites went to 0.25ppm as well...
  2. Amaunet

    I upgraded my 20 gallon

    Hey y’all I upgraded my 20 gallon to a 55 gallon. I had to move my fish after a week of cycling with the sponge from my old filter due to my 9 year old dumping food into the 20 gallon to “help me feed the fish”. The levels in the 20 were maxing out the nitrate test ?. So far so good I just...
  3. Amaunet

    Asian water fern question

    So the other day I went to one of the LFS for some fish flakes and while I was there I looked at the plants they sell in a tube and got literally the only one not rotting away. It was marked as an Asian water fern (Bolbitis heteroclita). When I got it home and opened I noticed it had some new...
  4. Amaunet

    Updates on snails from plants

    So a while back I bought some Anachris (pretty sure I spelled that wrong but I’ve only got a cup of coffee in me). And wound up with some minuscule snail hitchhikers. I thought my gourami ate em, but no dice two survived. And now they’ve had 5 babies. I dunno whether to think it’s awesome or see...
  5. Amaunet

    What kind of snail is this?

    So I got 3 Anacharis plants from Petco today that came in bunches. To help with making it more natural looking and aid in the nitrate levels. Apparently they came with some hitchhikers aka snails. I’m not sure what kind they are. Any ideas? I don’t mind them being there as long as they will...
  6. Amaunet

    Is my three spot sick or hurt/healing

    I have a moderate planted 20 gallon high tank. My filter is an aqua clear 30 to have a small bubble wall and another air stone as well for aeration. Water parameters are: Ph 7.2 and steady Ammonia is 0ppm Nitrite also 0ppm Nitrates when looked at through sunlight like the master kit says shows...
  7. Amaunet

    Water question

    So if you’ve seen my previous posts you know that I discovered my tap water has an ammonia reading of 1.0ppm. My cycling for my 20 g high planted tank was not pretty and I had fish die. Mainly bc dummy me forgot to not take the LFS word as divine infallible fact. And it had been so long since I...
  8. Amaunet

    New tank setup

    Made some changes to my tank since it was water change time. It’s now got a little more than half as black sand and the rest is the old gravel so I’d keep my BB. Also I took out the ribbon plants as I learned from y’all that it wasn’t actually aquatic and replaced it with Java ferns. I used half...
  9. Amaunet

    Is this possible?

    I’m want to make some changes to my tank layout but don’t know if what I’m imagining is possible. I want to use some of the existing gravel substrate , both to keep the BB and to make a mountain looking area to one side, and then use black sand for the rest. But how do I divide the two...
  10. Amaunet

    Stocking question for 20 gallon

    Would this plan be overstocked? Suggestions? I have 1 three spot gourami, thinking of adding: 5 Dalmatian Mollies 2-5 Cory Cats 10 ghost shrimp - I know gourami like to eat them, but if I remember correctly the internet suggests doing that for a treat for them anyway. I’m using distilled...
  11. Amaunet

    Which sex is this

    I can’t figure out if this is a male or female. Once my tank stabilizes I’ll be adding some friends for it but I don’t want to wind up putting a male in with him if it’s a male. This about the best pic I could get. Also I bit the bullet and got a master kit, the readings were: Ph 6.4 Ammonia 0...
  12. Amaunet

    Returning to the hobby

    I used to post on here a fair amount, back when I had a 10 gallon tank. They died :( bc I was an idiot and had the tank moving last, and due to a storm at the time I got there after power outage occurred. I finally got back into recently. I went with a 20 gallon tank this time. It’s planted. It...
  13. Amaunet

    HELP!!! My cory cats have laid eggs...

    Ok, so I have a 10 gallon bow front planted tank. It is completely stocked with fish and my Cory cats have apparently spawned overnight bc I have eggs scattered about. How do I get the eggs out of it with no damage? And what would be best to put them in if I can. I have no clue how to take care...
  14. Amaunet

    New tank mates for my 10g bow front

    I wanna say thank you to everyone who helped me when I posted abt my sick fish. I appreciated all the information for restocking as well. The Cory are lovin the tank and to my surprise they have Los cleaned the algae I had on the plants as well. U can't see all of them in this pic, as they are...
  15. Amaunet

    What is wrong with my poor fish??

    Okay first the tank is a 10 gallon planted tank and 4mo. old. I have recently done a 100% water change when adding fluorite substrate - I left the old gravel in and just mixed it really good to keep the bb as well as left the filter alone. Ammonia reading in the safe zone according to my meter...
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