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  1. M

    Ammonia issues - shall I replace substrate (and nuke my pest snail infestation)

    I've read that the API test kit can give false readings of 0.25 when there's actually 0ppm ammonia. So if you're using API I wouldn't worry too much, especially at that level.
  2. M

    What's wrong with my platy?

    My platy has a weird white patch near his tail and I'm not sure what it is or how to treat it (see attachments). I also don't have easy access to antibiotics if it's bacterial as I'm in Australia and they're mostly banned. I could possibly get some tetracycline, but it would be a week or two as...
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    Life Hacks - Tips and Tricks to Make Fishkeeping Easier

    I got some vinyl tubing from the hardware store and a connecter piece and used it to lengthen my siphon so the water can go straight out the backdoor. (Note, I don't have any fish small enough to get sucked through). I also got a tap adapter, hose connector and some more vinyl tubing so I can...
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    Budget light for under tank lid

    Hi, I've got a tank with a hood and the original light it came with has become waterlogged and stopped working properly. I'm wanting to replace it, but I'm on a budget. I'm wanting something that will be reasonably suitable to go under the hood. I can't remove the hood as then my filter will...
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    How do I get rid of cyanobacteria??

    Hi, I have a horrendous case of cyanobacteria in my freshwater tank. It's covering all my plants and decor and I'm losing my mind. My tank looks so awful. It's really taking the joy out of the hobby at the moment. I just had a baby, so I neglected my tank for a bit so it's really gotten out of...
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    Questions about tri-sulfa

    Hi, I've just added some tri-sulfa to my betta tank. Am I supposed to take it out at some point like through a water change or carbon filter? How long do I leave it in for? It didn't mention anything on the container, so I'm not sure. Also I took my mystery snail out as I wasn't sure if the...
  7. M

    My ammonia level, test strips

    I agree with above, test strips are often unreliable, but based on what I can see in the photo it appears that there is ammonia present in the tank. Any ammonia at all is not ideal and probably means the tank is not fully cycled.
  8. M

    How many corys in a 20 gallon?

    Where are you going to put your bettas? Are you going to get them each a tank? Bettas usually can't be kept together. And if they are with other fish you need to be careful about which types are in there as bettas may KILL other fish if they mistake them for another betta.
  9. M

    How to feed Hillstream Loach?

    Hi, I got a Hillstream Loach about a week ago and I have no way to tell if he's eating or not. I unfortunately cleaned my tank not long before getting him so the algae in there is limited. I tried giving algae wafers but the tetras and danios steal it before he has a chance to get any. I also...
  10. M

    White fin on bristlenose

    Hello, I have a young bristlenose (probably around 2.5 inches) and he has a damaged fin. The fin seems ripped or eaten away and it seems to be very pale/white as well. I'm not sure whether it's fin rot or just damage. Any other suggestions are welcome. If it is a disease, some advice on...
  11. M

    Not getting an ammonia spike while cycling planted tank

    Thanks, that's really helpful. I think I may just have to go and get a betta as apparently it's near impossible to find the right ammonia in Australia (where I live) as it's considered a dangerous substance or something. Appreciate all the advice!
  12. M

    Not getting an ammonia spike while cycling planted tank

    Hello, I've been cycling a new tank for almost two weeks now, but I cannot get the ammonia to spike. The tank has 4 pink rotala stems, 2 small crypts and a dwarf hair grass. It's about 32 Liters or 8.4 gallons (I'm just going to put a betta in it) and has a HOB filter. I've been adding a good...
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    Bolivian rams biting each other

    Hi, I just purchased two bolivian rams about a week apart. I was originally just going to have one, but it seemed to be chasing its reflection along the glass a bit, so I got got it a friend. The problem is, since adding the second one they seem to keep nipping each other. I'm not sure if this...
  14. M

    Does my betta tank need salt?

    Thanks guys. Appreciate the help :thanks:
  15. M

    Does my betta tank need salt?

    Hello everyone, So I was at a new fish store today buying a tank as I'm planning to get a betta fish. I told the lady this and at the end as I went to pay she said, "You know about all the chemicals and salt yeah?" I wasn't too sure what she meant so I replied, "salt?" with probably a very...
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    Rummy-nose swim bladder

    Hi, I'm just wondering if there are any ongoing issues in fish that have recovered from swim bladder issues. One of my Rummy-nose tetras was having trouble swimming down last night which I'm pretty certain was caused by over-feeding. He was trying to go down but his tail would stay kinda...
  17. M

    Increasing water hardness with Texas holey rock

    Hello. I'm wanting to add a piece of Texas holey rock to my fish tank to increase the water hardness. My current water sits at 7.4 pH straight from the tap but I'm finding it drops to 6.8-6.4 in the tank within two or three days after a 50% water change. My current water hardness is around 2 dGH...
  18. M

    Sudden pH drop with Fish in tank!

    Hello. I've recently started my first tank. I'm new to fishkeeping and mistakenly thought my tank was cycled when I got it because it was second-hand and had used filter media and substrate. That was my first mistake. I went out and bought some Rummy-nose tetras as the guy at the fish store told...
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