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    Breeding blue acara turning black

    She’s currently watching over her fry that just hatched in a 40 gallon with a few other fish in the tank and her fins and half her body is turning black… is that normal? Water parameters are perfect and nothing else has changed other than her having fry. Tank stock 2 blue acaras 2 small...
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    Goldfish laying at bottom of tank.. help!

    After changing aqua scape all my ryukin goldfish are laying in one corner at the bottom of the tank..
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    White patches on black moor

    Yes the only fish I haven’t seen do this is my small koi that I’m growing out to go into my pond.. I have 3 black moors and he’s the only one with discoloration.. I’ve seen nature color changes and this is not what it looks like to me.. it’s almost a weird layer on top his skin
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    White patches on black moor

    So you don’t think it could be fungal or parasites? Since they’re rubbing them selfs on the sand..
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    White patches on black moor

    He’s only had these white patches for 2 days
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    White patches on black moor

    The nitrite is 0 now and have been for 2 weeks and the lights are full spectrum
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    White patches on black moor

    It’s a planted 125 gallon so I have 2 - 20in led lights that simulates the sun through out the day..
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    White patches on black moor

    For a couple of weeks it was around 1 to 3 ppm and I did 25% water changes everyday until they dropped to 0 and I would use stress coat between prime for conditioning. I have 2 air wall stones and a water circulation pump pointed towards the surface for movement.. the only signs of stress (if is...
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    White patches on black moor

    I had a bit of a nitrite spike but treated it with prime every 48 hours and stability every 25% water change and now it’s 0 nitrite 0 ammonia 20 nitrate
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    White patches on black moor

    I’ve added 1 tablespoon of salt per 3 gallons. Also treated with pimafix and Melafix. He’s acting fine and eating regularly with no white stringy poop. And all the other fish are healthy. Any advice?
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