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  1. EH81821


    Is this a parasite or is my platy having babies..? I have a community tank currently with 3 female platys 2 female guppy’s a dwarf gourami and 2 snails. I recently changed my substrate from gravel to sand. I came home today and found her like this now for about 30 minutes. Any help would be...
  2. EH81821

    And so the journey begins…. Again

    Awesome I will check into that! If I go with doing RO water will I need to do like a 75% water change or can I slowly 10-20% and eventually it will cycle to being that RO? Thankfully it’s a 5.5G so shouldn’t be too costly to maintain RO
  3. EH81821

    And so the journey begins…. Again

    I am using the API master test kit. I do have the strips but I have found that those aren’t as accurate. Slight update: I found my KH at 0 so I have added about a 1/2 cup crushed coral it’s been in for a day today(8-8) is day 2 so will see later if it raised a bit. Nothing has changed...
  4. EH81821

    And so the journey begins…. Again

    Here is the start verse 5 days later condition of the plants.
  5. EH81821

    And so the journey begins…. Again

    Here are photos of the plants first set up verse 5 days later if that helps visually.
  6. EH81821

    And so the journey begins…. Again

    So long story short, wife and I were at a garage sale and saw this 5.5 gal with 4 guppy’s. It was still put together and they said if they didn’t go they would just be getting rid as they were moving the next day. So figured I’d save them that fate…. This is where I’m sure a lot will say I...
  7. EH81821

    Quarantining in Tupperware/mason jar?

    I have some red root floaters and Anubis on the way. Can I quarantine these in a mason jar/ Tupperware on a windowsill? I don’t have a spare tank. Thanks in advice.
  8. EH81821

    Help please.

    Oh thank you I didn’t know that. Yeah I moved to using the Bacter AE a 1/4 of the scoop and I only feed every 3-4 days. As they have a almond leaf and the bacter in there. I have been doing water changes now the past 3 days and ammonia still gets to around 2ppm at times and still no nitrite or...
  9. EH81821

    Setting up a shrimp only tank

    Hi! I recently have done the same. What I struggled with in the beginning is shrimp don’t have much of a bio load. So I was suggested a mystery snail in order to add to that bio load and to feed on waste. It helped balance everything out. I started with 15 cherry reds. I have read a lot of...
  10. EH81821


    Awesome thanks for the info. I think they are more the bladder snail. Should I remove or let be…? I was more using the tank as a cherry shrimp breeder so wasn’t prepared to have these hitchhikers join lol
  11. EH81821

    New 10 gal planted tank

    Thanks for the info. Do you suggest I start with the plants and maybe a small neon tetra school then? If so do you have any plants you’d recommend
  12. EH81821

    New 10 gal planted tank

    Hi all. Just snagged a 10 G from petco 50% sale and wanted to just do a planted tank not really thinking of having fish in it more thinking a tank to grow/nurse plants for my other tanks. Would love some suggestions on what I should put in it. Never done a heavy planted tank so more info the...
  13. EH81821

    10 gallon stocking

    Currently have 4 platy and a dwarf flame gourami Ended up one platy was pregnant so have 2 fry as well lol. Just something to think about with the platy. Looking forward on hearing what you chose.
  14. EH81821


    Does anyone know what type of snails these are? Sorry I’m tried my best to get the best photos I could. I didn’t have any till about week after planting some cabomba I got from my LFS. I first had two now it looks like there are 3 tiny baby ones. So 5 in total… this is in my 10G cherry shrimp...
  15. EH81821

    Help please.

    Yeah I am dripping the water back in after removing. Can I just pour in? Is the drip just for when introducing new shrimp? Sorry first shrimp tank so still learning.
  16. EH81821

    Help please.

    I agree. So my thing is. I keep reading about how cherry shrimp are very sensitive. I am drip accumulating each water change. Am I wasting time doing that is that only when introducing new shrimp to a tank? I have been doing water changes weekly and when I noticed the high ammonia I have done...
  17. EH81821

    Help please.

    Here’s a 10G I’ve had set up for about 2 months now. I have Been having some issues though with ammonia spikes. I had the take up for 3 weeks prior to adding shrimp. I added 8 cherry shrimp at first and drip accumulated them the tank is at 68 degrees. Ph 6.8 GH 75ppm KH 90 ammonia keeps...
  18. EH81821

    Hi From Illinois

    Hey all, happy to be here. From Chicago area. Diving into this hobby after seeing how my 10 month son lit up seeing some fish at the zoo. I haven’t had a tank of my own since I was a young kid back in the 90’s. Currently I have a 20G high community tank. 1 dwarf gourami 5 fire plate’s with 2...
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