neon tetra dying - help

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 19, 2023
Hi, today I noticed one of my tetras is twitching, and very skinning compared to the rest of the school, and kind of off on his own. Loss of color, kind of swimming diagonally at a tilt but like not to an extreme amount

If he is sick and it's un curable, no worries but I would really like to know if it's something that can spread to the rest of the tank, and obviously what should I do to help the currently ill fish?

here's a video, please help!
Just found the sixth.. he was in the filter. definetely dead. I have the quiet flo 10. I find it hard to believe he got sucked in, so probably died last night and the filter scooped him up. very gross to see. Anyways, I'm not sure if he died from the same illness, but if so, is it something i should be concered about, like will it spread?
Just found the sixth.. he was in the filter. definetely dead. I have the quiet flo 10. I find it hard to believe he got sucked in, so probably died last night and the filter scooped him up. very gross to see. Anyways, I'm not sure if he died from the same illness, but if so, is it something i should be concered about, like will it spread?

Try and take a still shot of all 5 ( or at least the other 4 ) Neons and list what other fish are in the tank with them. I have a sneaky suspicion that it's not illness.

I just fed them, the only thing that really sets him apart is how thin he is, because I'm watching them now and it doesn't seem like he's eating, I could be just not noticing though.

What's weird to me is that he's always by himself and swims in like jagged small circles so like you can always tell him apart

I wasn't able to get a pick with all of them but that's the best I could do loll

They are in the tank with one honey gourami, I just did a water change and removed the dead fish. What could be the cause of his death?

One extra detail:
Kind of embarrassing so I was hesitant to mention this: I have been feeding them instant baby brine shrimp because it's the only think that's been buoyant enough for them to notice. What I didn't know was that you had to refridgerate it. So the first bottle I had of that I fed them for like 3 days without refridgerating. So maybe food poisoning? I've only had them for about a week. I just got a new bottle yesterday, and keeping it refridgerated. oops.
If you just fed them, it's hard to tell males from females. I was leaning towards one male beating up on this one since it wasn't shaped like a female. :(
This is a free download of a book with one of the best diagnostic flow charts. ( ) I suggest you download it and go through the steps to help figure out what the issue is. Be aware that since this is an older book, some of the medications it suggests may no longer be available or are under a different brand name but if you get a diagnosis, we can help suggest the proper medications available today to treat the fish. (y)
Here's a few more videos. I think it might be something wrong with his swim bladder now, he's kind of like going in spirals. I looked on an older post, someone had a similar issue after feeding expired food. So maybe the expired brine shrimp was the cause.
Usually, if it's a food issue, all the fish that ate it would be suffering. Internal issues are more likely since those are individualized. :huh:
Did you go through the diagnostic chart?
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