What is your most fav fishes?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
What is your most fav fishes?
My fav fish are Betta's male, and the Panda, and Pepper cory's.
And Glo Fish tetra's
Too many to list but some of my favorites include:
Acarichthys heckelii
Apistogramma cacatuoides
Botia lohachata and sidthimunki
Corydoras barbatus
Epiplaty dageti
Iriatherina werneri
Pseudomugil signifer, furcatus and connieae
Rhadinocentrus ornatus
Cyprichromis leptosoma and Paracyprichromis nigripinnis
Lamprichthys tanganicanus
Protomelis species
Ophthalmotilapia furcifer and ventralis
Lepidogalaxias salamandroides

Saltwater includes:
Amphiprion akallopisos, nigripes, perideraion & sandaracinos
Anthias dispar, pleurotaenia & tuka
Nemateleotris decora, magnifica & helfrichi
Parablennius postoculomaculatus and most blennies, they are really cool characters.

Lysmata amboinensis shrimp
Periclimenes shrimp
My boy Jack


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My #1 freshwater is the Altum Angelfish. Ya just can't beat an adult school of them. :D
There are a lot of them that are competing for the #2 slot tho. Too many to list.

My #1 Saltwater is the Asfur Angelfish but recent discoveries of new species may knock that off. :whistle:
Again, there are a whole bunch that are competing for the #2 slot. ;)
Wow! I looked them up, Andy, the Altums. Bellissimo! How big do they get? I’m seeing conflicting info online.
Wow! I looked them up, Andy, the Altums. Bellissimo! How big do they get? I’m seeing conflicting info online.

They get tall vs long. The biggest I've seen was approx 18" from dorsal fin tip to anal fin tip. ( They were at a public aquarium in NY back in the 60s.) Any tank shorter than 24" tall is really too short for them if you can keep them to full adulthood. :huh:
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