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  1. Americancichlid

    Hi. Fishless cycle question.

    6 ph is low but in my 180 litre tank I have my ph at 6.5 to 6.8. And that is perfect for my uaru which are apparently hard to keep. The right ph depends what fish you are keeping.
  2. Americancichlid

    Hi. Fishless cycle question.

    145 litres in my opinion is a great size for a starter can put limestone in to increase the ph and put bog wood in to decrease ph.
  3. Americancichlid

    In 180 gallon aquarium how many large cichlids can you have.

    That is very helpful thanks a lot.
  4. Americancichlid

    In 180 gallon aquarium how many large cichlids can you have.

    Ok that is very helpful thanks a lot.
  5. Americancichlid

    In 180 gallon aquarium how many large cichlids can you have.

    That is most likely. Texas cichlids can be very aggressive and even more so when they have fry, so you probably would have spotted Tex attacking fish away.Based on that fact alone I would say she or he did not have any fry. Another thing is that they are fish from completely different...
  6. Americancichlid

    In 180 gallon aquarium how many large cichlids can you have.

    Ok thanks a lot for the info. I am trying to complete the nitrogen cycle at the moment on the 6x2x2 it has one fx6 running on it do you think a fluival 407 which has been running for close to two years would instantly skip the cycle
  7. Americancichlid

    Conflicting advice on stocking an Oscar tank...

    Hi Jacky, I keep 2 Oscars’ in a 55 gallon grow out tank.I have 1 grade AAA Latino Oscar and 1 wild caught Oscar from Columbia. I also have a group of 5 silver dollars which are 6-7 inches. What I have noticed however is that the Silver dollars are constant chased by the Oscars. They have no...
  8. Americancichlid

    EBA tank mates

    Hi Lira, I would say that should be fine as long as the platies or mollies are not big enough to fit in the Acara’s mouth
  9. Americancichlid

    In 180 gallon aquarium how many large cichlids can you have.

    Hi all I am a new member and I keep American cichlids. How many big American cichlids do you guys think can go in a 180 gallon tank or a 682 litre tank. Thanks.
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