Recent content by bullyboy

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  1. bullyboy

    Newbie Taking on a Doozy

    I just started keeping Gilberti and im hooked. Check out the NANFA
  2. bullyboy

    Newbie Taking on a Doozy

    Rotala florida is an awesome plant too
  3. bullyboy

    Newbie Taking on a Doozy

    Hey Finnafish good to see yer project is still on.
  4. bullyboy

    Do bettas like air stones?

    I found that since betta dont like a lot of flow theres not much surface agitation from the filter so an air stone is essential.
  5. bullyboy

    25gal mr aqua sand falls cube build

    I had some Blyxa Japonica as well but took it out due to melting and it turning lt. green. Dosed recommend amounts of Flourish & Activate today
  6. bullyboy

    25gal mr aqua sand falls cube build

    Just set up a new tank and will be my first "high tech" attempt. -18"cube Mr Aqua with a Sandwaterfall -Eco complete and black Florite sand mix -Preasurized Co2 -Finnex fugeray 20" -Finnex 24/7 24" -100w heater -Aquaclear 50 -UV Green killing machine Anubias petite Bucephelandra wavy green...
  7. bullyboy

    People opposing bloodworms. Why?

    I feed my old Oscar MacDonalds once, his name was Dumpster cuz he would eat anything in the tank. ?
  8. bullyboy

    Gold Australe killifish. ...frustration

    0,0,and 10ppm? (The second bar from 0) I talked to the LFS owner and hes gone through 2 different distributors but found out that they both go through a vendor in Russia or (Chech republic?) Anyway hes heard similar stories from others whove bought these fish since he started carrying em a...
  9. bullyboy

    Sand Fall

    Yah id like to know too
  10. bullyboy

    Sand Fall

    Attatched by silicone to a plastic base for more footing, then siliconed that to the aquarium bottom. 3 days with no issues. Ill try to get a video of it running asap
  11. bullyboy

    Newbie Taking on a Doozy

    Errrrrmagerrrd send me eggs when ya get yer set up goin
  12. bullyboy

    Gold Australe killifish. ...frustration

    Theres no other inhabitants but the male and 2/3 female each time and its the same thing happening in two different tanks. The temp and ph are spot on and stable
  13. bullyboy

    Aquasolum substrate???

    Yah i was surprised how solid it eventually got those crypts are in there forever
  14. bullyboy

    Newbie Taking on a Doozy

    So some flag fish are considered a type of north American killifish and the AKA has a lot of info on em Im stoked cuz this means a trip to Florida this summer :)
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