Recent content by Dagon

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. D

    Honey gourami

    Yes. They also have great courting behaviour. Building and protecting their bubble nests. Makes look great in their breeding finery too.
  2. D

    Honey gourami

  3. D

    Honey gourami

    Hi. I’m intending to restock my tank with some honey gourami. I’m intending to house 5. I have one already; unfortunately his compadres are no longer with us. I’m seeking views on the gender mix. The tank is well established, heavily planted. Lots of retreats (if needed). 120 litres. My...
  4. D

    Armani - tetra query

    Thanks all for your thoughts. The good news is everyone is still fine in the tank today. So maybe there were a few weak ones. I’m reassured that the consensus is that the AS are not actively hunting (I’d be surprised if they were- maybe instead they might be getting the jump on the NTs when...
  5. D

    Armani - tetra query

    So, I put a dozen small neon tetra in the tank in my boy’s bedroom. The tank is well established. Water conditions good & stable. I acclimatised them as recommended - by the book, over 1 hr, into a dark tank. Definitely not overstocked. When I checked after a couple of hours one was...
  6. D

    Can someone help me I’m lost and confused!!

    Autumn has given some great advice, particularly on research and working out what you want from your fish. One thought, don’t conclude that you should start with a very small tank (just to see how it goes). Smaller tanks can be harder to be successful with as it is easier to make mistakes and...
  7. D

    40 gallon long "dutch style"

    No worries on the timing of your reply! Answers my questions perfectly. Thanks. D
  8. D

    Former salties first fw shrimp tank

    Looking better and better! D
  9. D

    40 gallon long "dutch style"

    Great looking tanks and fantastic looking plants. Can I ask, does using potting soil have any practical issues for maintenance, water chemistry etc.? I wonder if it prompts algae issues if tank not sufficiently planted? Also, can you confirm what you mean by ‘soil’? I’m from uk and we’d...
  10. D

    Former salties first fw shrimp tank

    Ah, no wonder I couldn’t place it. Looks striking, but I confess to preferring the real thing where possible. Not sure if the fish can tell the difference though!
  11. D

    Former salties first fw shrimp tank

    Hi - I’m intrigued, what is the plant with the pink stem? Is it easy to grow (i.e no special lighting or CO2)? On shrimps, I have cherries in my 120ltr (heavily planted with lots of wood/hiding places, easy community fish i.e tetra, cories) and the just seem to keep on breeding. Started with...
  12. D

    Vampire crabs

    Thanks for your further thoughts. By meaty foods, I assume you mean things like bloodworms & daphnia? I also understand they will take good quality flake as part of a mixed diet. In terms of minerals, I’d guess there are crab additives/food mixes on the market? (Thanks for making the point on...
  13. D

    Former salties first fw shrimp tank

    Hi just saw this thread. Your tank looks fantastic - and you made getting there look effortless. Thanks for sharing. D
  14. D

    Vampire crabs

    Just to clarify, I have 2 well established fish + shrimp tanks so understand the issues of cycling/maintenance. But appreciate its always good to check! Tanks again for replying. D
  15. D

    Vampire crabs

    Thanks for your comments. The need for a tight lid is no surprise! Good to hear about the odor. I only asked because of another thread. With proper hygiene I’d hope for none. The tank in thinking of using is 120ltr so I’d hope is big enough for a small group. Maybe six or eight? I would...
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