Recent content by HopefulHobbiest

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  1. H

    Thinking of starting a SW need some serious help...

    Awesome!! so now i have the lights covered! its all comin together, just gotta pick and choose what to buy with each paycheck lol thanks everyone
  2. H

    Thinking of starting a SW need some serious help...

    was this what you were thinkin for RO/DI? 4 Stage Value PLUS RO/DI System - Bulk Reef Supply has two inline TDS
  3. H

    Thinking of starting a SW need some serious help...

    I'll check the site and see if i can find the RO/DI with inline TDS. any link for the lights so i can get an idea of what you're talking about? also, how long can the "Live Rock" sit before being added to the tank? or should i just make that one of my last pre-setup purchases?
  4. H

    Thinking of starting a SW need some serious help...

    I've decided to buy items per paycheck so I'll be acquiring over time. to make it hurt less lol. here's what I'm thinking and please correct where i need to be corrected.. 40lbs of sand (probably just a natural tan or white) 45lbs of "live rock" (Saltwater Live Rock for Marine Aquariums: Fiji...
  5. H

    Thinking of starting a SW need some serious help...

    ok so i just though of something else... is there a benefit to buying "Live Sand" or can i pick up regular sand? i would assume regular sand over time would become "live". **Edit** - Can anyone recommend a few decent power heads that would help me reach 1600Gph in the 40GB?
  6. H

    Thinking of starting a SW need some serious help...

    thats awesome, i think i've covered everything i would need to get started... if anyone has looked over the whole thread and found something that may have been left out or that i haven't thought about, your insight would be greatly appreciated. thanks again everyone for all the assistance!!
  7. H

    Thinking of starting a SW need some serious help...

    ohhhh ok thats good to know... i just assumed people prepped this stuff weeks in advance and let it sit. 24 hours in advance sounds more normal then my assumption lol
  8. H

    Thinking of starting a SW need some serious help...

    ok well that sounds much easier than i expected. now can you mix salt in this water to have it preset? and if you can doesn't the salt level drop over time?
  9. H

    Thinking of starting a SW need some serious help...

    sorry to do this to you... but could you explain that in a lil more detail so i understand? i keep reading it but the expression of stupid is still stuck on my face... lol thanks
  10. H

    Thinking of starting a SW need some serious help...

    130 isn't a bad price... does that just connect directly to the tank?
  11. H

    Thinking of starting a SW need some serious help...

    can i build one or is it better to buy one?? i'm sure my tap is crap... i live 20-25 mins from DC, lots of questionable water sources here lmao
  12. H

    Thinking of starting a SW need some serious help...

    ok well thats good to hear, depending on how this venture goes i may buy a bigger tank in the future(few years from now) and attempt a larger reef around 180G. anyway, back to reality... so i can skip the sump, make sure i have around 1600Gph flow split between multiple power heads.... sounds...
  13. H

    Thinking of starting a SW need some serious help...

    so i could skip the need for a sump and just pick up the power head that'll move 10 x 40G per hour?? now i'm confused lol
  14. H

    Thinking of starting a SW need some serious help...

    Ok so i may go with the 40GB for a reef setup. sounds a little easier to me. if i go with the 40 would a 20G Long be enough for a "sump"? and if it is, how would i go about setting it up if i don't want to drill into the glass? in an earlier post on this thread someone mentioned an overflow...
  15. H

    Thinking of starting a SW need some serious help...

    So if I go with the 40 what kind of filtration am I looking at? Also, what kind of fish could I do in a 40G reef? Would it allow for fish, shrimp, crabs and maybe some sea anemones? (I love the way the sway in the water :) )
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