Recent content by isaakw

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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    Hole in Danio’s Belly

    Ah that makes me sad… He is still eating though I didn’t think it was related, but I have seen little white worms in the substrate. I read that they are harmless detritus worms, but I may be wrong. Is there anything I should use to treat the water for parasites?
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    Hole in Danio’s Belly

    I noticed he has been swimming weird for a couple weeks. Today I saw that he has a hole on his belly. One of the danios often chases him around so Im not sure if it is an injury.. Tank is 15 gals 3 glo danios 1 female betta 4 otos low nitrates and nitrites, no ammonia, approx 7 ph, 76 degrees
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    Hair-like growth on anubias

    Currently have brown algae growth in my tank and I wasn’t sure if this is related. Is this normal ? I attached a photo
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    Glo / Zebra Danio pinched back fin

    Water is testing at 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 5 ppm nitrates. Anything I should do to get nitrates down, or just let it run it’s course?
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    Glo / Zebra Danio pinched back fin

    The one my initial post was about died within a day later. He was already on his way out :( The rest of the glo danios look much better than they did before and are much happier and more energetic.
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    Glo / Zebra Danio pinched back fin

    Update Ammonia is mostly under control. Doing weekly water changes which seems to be working. Now I have a little bit of an algae problem I gotta deal with haha. Added a beautiful female betta who is getting along well with 4 danios and a snail. Thanks everyone for the help
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    Glo / Zebra Danio pinched back fin

    Parameter Update 0.25ppm ammonia 0 Nitrite maybe a tiny bit of Nitrate (close to 0ppm) should I do another water change today?
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    Glo / Zebra Danio pinched back fin

    I already purchased API AmmoLock. Is this the same type of thing as Prime?
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    Glo / Zebra Danio pinched back fin

    Thanks so much for the responses. I probably should have said that my ammonia reading was fresh after a water change. The purple fish my original post was about didn’t make it :( I’ve been doing a 25% water change each day before I was able to do my first ammonia test today. Really appreciate...
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    Glo / Zebra Danio pinched back fin

    I’m using Tetra Aquasafe Plus. I will test my tap tomorrow but I really doubt that is an issue. Known to have good water around here. I’m pretty sure my tank just wasn’t cycled properly. Just ordered some API AmmoLock to help keep the fish okay while I deal with the ammonia issue.
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    Glo / Zebra Danio pinched back fin

    Just tested the ammonia. Coming in at about 0.25ppm. Any suggestions to help get it down?
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    Glo / Zebra Danio pinched back fin

    Thanks so much the response. I did 30% water change with some more API QUICK START today. I’ve been beating myself up over killing such a notoriously hardy fish :/ but that makes sense with the glo ones. Thinking it may be the ammonia since it’s the only test results I don’t have. I hope my...
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    Glo / Zebra Danio pinched back fin

    Hey, I included my water parameters minus the ammonia levels. Ordered the API master kit and am currently waiting on it.
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    Glo / Zebra Danio pinched back fin

    Hi everyone, I started my first tank about 3 weeks ago and have ran into some issues. I let the tank run for a week with just plants in it before adding 5 glo danios. With my first 5 danios, I noticed 1 had a pinched back fin and ended up dying a day later. The other 4 were healthy and...
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