Recent content by jestes

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  1. J

    Bolivian ram questions

    That sounds about right.... Mine will chase off a fully grown angel, and will bow up at me if I get close to the tank.
  2. J

    Not sure if bulldog pleco is eating

    If they quarantine, that's good. Most LFS's don't. These fish come from relatively cool, fast flowing water, and it's not too uncommon for them to starve after the transition to captive life. Has he come to the glass yet?
  3. J

    Treatment for neon tetra swimbladder

    Not really. The bacteria that cause it are already present in low numbers in any tank. They'll strike when a fish is sick already. Having said that, if the fish dies and is eaten or decays, then the bacteria can be released. Too many bacteria can overcome an otherwise healthy fish.
  4. J

    Bristlenose in a planted tank

    I had a pair of brown ones in a planted tank once, and they would occasionally munch on the larger leafed plants like swords.
  5. J

    Treatment for neon tetra swimbladder

    If its swim bladder, there's really nothing you can viably do. It's bacterial, but isn't readily treatable. However, it could be constipation, in which case an epsom salt dip will help, as will feeding the inside of a green pea.
  6. J

    Not sure if bulldog pleco is eating

    What is your water temp, and where did you get him from? Sometimes those guys are hard to acclimate to captivity.
  7. J

    Pleco issue

    Where did y'all get them from? Petsmart doses Quick Cure after getting shipments in, and plecos don't do well with that.
  8. J

    Pleco issue

    Is he under a piece of the driftwood? Plecos do this fairly often if they feel comfortable and are resting.
  9. J

    Ghost shrimp shell?

    They molt. If it was really dead, it would look like a mini cocktail shrimp.
  10. J

    Bolivian ram questions

    I've been trying to get photos to upload, but I've been running into problems. Anyway, I have two Bolivian Rams that just spawned in my tank. The best ways to tell male from female are: The male will have the first two spines of his dorsal fin longer than the rest. It's fairly noticeable...
  11. J

    How do you keep up with all the power plugs?

    I just use a quality power strip with a breaker built in. My 180 draws less than 5 amps, and there's a lot of stuff plugged in... Most residential circuits should be rated for 20 amps, so run them at less than 15 and you should be good. Now if that same circuit shares a TV, computer, several...
  12. J

    Regulator PSI Fluctuations

    I've got a Milwaukee regulator, and it does the same thing below 20-25 psi. I also used a needle valve that looks the same as the one in the picture, and I had trouble getting consistent results. You may look into getting a more finely threaded needle valve.
  13. J

    Anglefish with a huge opening in head

    I'd get you have what's commonly called mouth rot. Does it look like he's got a cotton ball in his mouth? If so, here's a little copy and paste that may help: Kanacyn (kanamycin) will treat both. A simultanious use of both Maracyn (erythromycin) and Maracyn 2 (minocycline) is reported as...
  14. J

    Amazon sword

    I wouldn't worry about splitting it. You've got a plant that's already reproducing :-) Just make sure you wait until the baby plants have a decent root system on them before you remove and plant them. I've stunted a few from getting impatient.....
  15. J

    DIY canister filter help.

    It may have been a glitch with the forum, because I didn't get the email saying you'd replied. Anyway...... Bio filter material will increase nitrates, because its supposed to. That's the end process of the nitrogen cycle, and nitrate is far less toxic than its precursors. Plants should help...
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