Recent content by Kentaaa

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. K

    Opal Asian Freshwater Clam?

    Hello all, As I was in the process of placing a fish order online I ran across an "Opal Asian Freshwater Clam" in the invertebrate section. Does anyone have any experience with this species? I tried to find out more information about this clam on Google, but I could not find ANYTHING (even...
  2. K

    Fish ID help

    Definitely some sort of Flower Horn Sent from my iPad using Aquarium Advice
  3. K

    Fish ID help

    This looks like some sort of a Flower Horn/Parrot Hybrid. Possibly a Kirin Parrot? Sent from my iPad using Aquarium Advice
  4. K

    Cichlid Stocking Advice (150 gallons)

    Hello there and welcome! :) I just joined this forum not too terribly long ago as well. My very first forum post was a stocking question too and other members pointed me to It's a WONDERFUL tool that acts as a calculator to determine what fish and how many will fit in your tank...
  5. K

    Need help identifying these Cichlids and their compatibility/care.

    I am more so looking for the "trade names" of these hybrids, not their binomial. Most hybrids are given a nickname and knowing that information would facilitate my search in finding where to purchase them. I understand there are many naturally occurring species. However, these in particular...
  6. K

    Need help identifying these Cichlids and their compatibility/care.

    I am in the process of starting up my very first Cichlid-only tank. Right now I am in the planning stage. Before setting up a new tank I like to first create a spreadsheet to plan my stock, plants, equipment, decor, etc. so I can ensure that I am not over stocking, all of the inhabitants are...
  7. K

    Help with "API Liquid Super Ich Cure"

    Also I would like to add: In my canister filter I do have a few bags of carbon that I left in. These bags are approx. a month old and I'm sure they are inactive. I did not want to remove them however because I did not want to deplete a large amount of my beneficial bacteria and risk...
  8. K

    Help with "API Liquid Super Ich Cure"

    Hello everyone! Yesterday I noticed my Gold Leopard Gourami acting very strangely. He was darting around the aquarium, "rocking" back and forth", and appeared to be rubbing his fins into the glass. I could not for the life of me figure it out. He did not appear to have anything physically wrong...
  9. K

    Is this Ich? What do I do? (With Pictures)

    Oh wow. It's as easy as raising the temperature?! Like I said, I've never dealt with Ich before so I just assumed you would have to add chemicals and just wait. I've been stressing out ALL day over this and unfortunately gave myself "WebMD" syndrome from reading horror story after horror story...
  10. K

    Is this Ich? What do I do? (With Pictures)

    UPDATE: I am about 90% sure now that it is Ich. I just closely inspected the other fish in the tank and noticed they ALL have the same tiny white specks. They range in severity from my Angel which only has one or two specks just on her right pectoral fin up to my Hatchets which have about 10-15...
  11. K

    Is this Ich? What do I do? (With Pictures)

    Yesterday I posted a thread in regards to my Gourami. He was acting very unusually by darting around the tank, appearing to be "rocking" back and forth, ocassionally rubbing his fins against the glass, and just looking generally agitated. It seems as though he's stressing out all of the other...
  12. K

    Help! Something's wrong with my Gourami! (Video Inside)

    This morning everyone and everything in the tank was A-OK, nothing at all out of the ordinary. I went about my normal routine, 5ml of Seachem Excel and a pinch of flakes for breakfast. The ONLY thing I did differently out of my normal routine was add about 5ml of Seachem Prime. I did this...
  13. K

    Single fish

    Our LFS has a BEAUTIFUL Flowerhorn on display. He is over a foot in length and is only a little over a year old. A "teenage" Flowerhorn would not even physically fit in your tank. They grow EXTREMELY fast. Frontosas must be kept in small groups. I guess you could say they are "schooling". They...
  14. K

    Crayfish in community tank?

    Hmmmm, I am not too versed in wild aquatic life except for the wildlife down here in South Florida,which was a state/county mandated class, but I would say it is a good possibility that there are wild crayfish (Al Roker voice) in your neck of the woods. Definitely worth an email or phone call...
  15. K

    Crayfish in community tank?

    I personally would ask the teacher where the crayfish were "harvested" (lack of a better word :X) from. I have never seen an aquarium crayfish that resembles this little guy. Now it could just be the lighting (or lack there of) that's drowning out his colors. Do you live in a southern region...
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