Recent content by logansmomma1228

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  1. Other (rainbows/brackish/unusual)

    Other (rainbows/brackish/unusual)

  2. logansmomma1228

    New German Blue Rams

    Rams will do fine in a community as long as there is plenty of room on the bottom and other semi aggressive fish that can handle them. I have a GBR in my community tank with 7 cories and she does just fine. Sexing them can be hard but the females generally have pink(er) bellies and the males...
  3. logansmomma1228

    The 'Fish Cave'

    It's threads like this that make me want to revamp my tank and set up the empty ones I have laying around... very cool thread and room! I just love planted tanks, one of these days I will try again. What's funny is I have all the fake counterparts of the ones I saw on here. Lol
  4. logansmomma1228

    neon tetras help

    Was its tail like that when you bought it? When buying fish it is best to look closely and pick out the healthiest looking ones. I also second HUKIT's advice, tetras are less aggressive in larger groups. They tend to do better with at least the 7-9 hukit recommended.
  5. logansmomma1228


    Do you know anyone with an established tank? Filter media does wonders in cycling and establishing bacteria. If I remember correctly it takes longer to cycle with fish, and also if I remember correctly in take a while for nitrites to go down. I think the average time is a week or so, don't...
  6. logansmomma1228

    Pardon me while I burst into flames...

    I live in Michigan and we had a heat wave for the last week or so. It is finally nice out today with a cool breeze. I think our heat index hit 105 yesterday, and it has been 95 degrees out for the last 3 days. I normally try and keep my air down (up? :p) to save on heat costs but I have had it...
  7. logansmomma1228

    What is this fish?!

    Yes I was aware of that, I was just curious about the molly in the SW. I have no idea about hitchhikers so I left that to the experts. I should have been more clear! :)
  8. logansmomma1228

    Potential Parasite on Cory's Dorsal

    GWC= Golden White Cloud. It is a type of minnow and is really pretty. They stay along the top level of the water. If you click my tanks link and go to page 5 you can see them. I got them from severum mama and HN1 and they were very gorgeous fish!
  9. logansmomma1228

    Tank Update (LOTS OF PIX)

    Well I'm sad to say that since my last visit here my Alejandro has passed :( I buried him (yes he was my fav) The GWCs are all gone except for one and my ram is doing OK but I can't get her fin rot to go away -_- I'm down to just the 29 for now even though I have another empty 29, 2 empty...
  10. logansmomma1228

    What is this fish?!

    That's pretty sweet! Is that a platy(molly?) in a SW tank? I know they are brackish but I didn't know they could handle full SW
  11. logansmomma1228

    Bottomfeeder die off... pH crash?

    Are the otos new? I can never keep Otos alive, I have heard they are tough to take care of depending on where you got them from due to them being so weak from shipping/etc. As far as OP's issue, is there maybe something that got into the tank that shouldn't have? What kind of substrate do you...
  12. logansmomma1228

    Erik's 90 gallons of furry!

    Holy drool! That is an awesome tank! I love saltwater so much but I haven't dabbled in the art yet. The plumbing and extra work scares me right now since I have literally no extra time. Your tank is absolutely gorgeous :)
  13. logansmomma1228

    Potential Parasite on Cory's Dorsal

    Thanks for the link. DK actually gave me the same one, I tried to pull it off but I couldn't get all of it. Part of it is attached completely to her fin and I was so scared to hurt her, I did what I could for now. Now I'm keeping an eye on it.
  14. logansmomma1228

    New 'Thanks' Button - Warm Fuzzies

    This is fantastic! I remember asking for something like this a while back, glad it finally fabricated :)
  15. logansmomma1228

    Potential Parasite on Cory's Dorsal

    Hey everyone, I have a 29G with a GBR, 7 albino cories (w 5 fry) 8 harlequin rasboras, 4 neon tetras and 1 GWC (last of his kind :( ) I have never had an issue with my tank so I am unsure what this is. There is a worm like protrusion on the back of my cory's dorsal fin. It just appeared...
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