Recent content by MikeNHouston

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  1. M

    Mbuna 75 Gallon Transformation

    Oh I have absolutely no issues with Ph even with all that wood in my tank Ph is still 8.1 comes out of the tap at 8.2 and I absolutely hate all of the fake all of the fake wood that I have seen.
  2. M

    New 125 Gallon Setup

    Yes they are suckers for food bribes!! Also added some plants to my 125 to kinda liven it up and maybe help with the nitrates kinda doubt there is enough plant life to help but they look good in there.
  3. M

    Mbuna 75 Gallon Transformation

    Most of the fish on my list are monomorphic which is one reason the other reason the size I am getting them in all of the places that I have looked to buy them they don't have "sexed" selections for 1"-2" fish. Also if the breed its a bonus. I Picked the 1"-2" size because I wanted to watch them...
  4. M

    Mbuna 75 Gallon Transformation

    I thought I would drop this as I am transforming my 75 gallon to an Mbuna tank.... As you can see it was my Oscar tank but the have since been moved to my 125. The new inhabitants will be 6 Yellow Labs 6 Purple Acei 6 Red Zebra 6 Rustys or Cobalt Zebras haven't made this decision yet Yes I...
  5. M

    New 125 Gallon Setup

    Well it didnt take as long they came around pretty quickly after adding some blood worms and brine shrimp to the tank. Now my oscars are happy and friendly again.
  6. M

    New 125 Gallon Setup

    Just looked at the price for those they are a little spendy for my taste. Don't get me wrong they look amazing but if I told my wife I was spending 1K on a background for a tank I think she would shoot me at best!!
  7. M

    New 125 Gallon Setup

    Im sure Cracker my albino Oscar will probably be the first to come around. As of now they aren't super hungry because I had about 20 Ruby reds in the tank to help finish the cycle off well as of this morning there was only about 10 in the tank. I also expect for there to be less than 10 when I...
  8. M

    New 125 Gallon Setup

    Finally finished cycling this monster and got it somewhat scapaed added fish yesterday. The picture however was before fish I'll try to add some pictures as the rock scape develops and the plants go in. Just trying to let the fish settle a bit before changing things up too much. As it is my...
  9. M

    High tap water ammonia help!!

    Thanks very much for your help I'll set up Zeolite in my HOB filter to kill the ammonia and hopefully keep the bacteria in my main filter healthy
  10. M

    High tap water ammonia help!!

    I didn't know ammonia was more toxic as the Ph rises. Thanks for that information. I have heard activated carbon helps to reduce ammonia so I've thought about adding a filter to my tap to reduce it as well .
  11. M

    High tap water ammonia help!!

    Ph in my tank is always about 8.3 tap water is the same it has been this way for a year the oscars have adapted well and are happy and healthy well until last night. I have decided long ago that once they get used to it it's much easier to let them live in that happy and healthy than to chase Ph.
  12. M

    High tap water ammonia help!!

    Did a water change last night just like always about 50% treated with Seachem Safe (treated for 50 gals one scoop) and my fish started dieing most affected luckily were they ruby reds and a pleco... My oscars were hurting but put them in another tank that was just finished cycling luckily they...
  13. M

    New here

    She never liked the idea of fish she really didn't like the oscar but I don't think she was ever mean to him. But who knows. I trained him to do a lot of things bur that's one thing I didn't train him to do. Probably only because I didn't think of it lol ...
  14. M

    New here

    I can promise you that fish couldn't stand her if she was with in 3' of that aquarium he would splash her. Now keep in mind this is an 9" or 10" Oscar so there was a good bit of water coming out of the tank at her. I finally had to put a lid on the tank (to keep Marital Bliss LMAO).
  15. M

    75 Gallon stocking Advice

    Ok I think I have my final stocking list Tell me what yall think and if I am making any mistakes 6 x Yellow Labs ( I know ill have to sort out males as they show themselves) 5 x Yellow Tail Acei 5 x Rusty 5 x Cobalt Zebras
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