Recent content by Mrfixit246

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  1. M

    Out of control Ph

    Tank update Here is an update on my tank Ph issues. After a little over a month my Ph is now 7.2. I have done about 4 water changes using RO water. with 10-15 gal each time in a 75 gal tank. The first couple water changes the Ph would drop from 7.8 to 7.4 then a couple days later would...
  2. M

    Sos HELP i need to transport a fish!!

    It seems almost mean but, treat your betta like bait and use an aerated bait bucket. like this: Its insulated so you can maintain a more even temperature. 'Fixit
  3. M

    Out of control Ph

    Update I bought a Kh Gh test kit. My water in the tank before the water change out. was Kh=214ppm Gh=off the chart 14 drops Ph=8.0 Did a 50% water change with RO water Now the chemistry is: Kh=125 Gh=175 Ph=7.6 Looks like Ph was being affected by the TDS from a couple years of putting in...
  4. M

    Out of control Ph

    Thanks for the reply. I don't have test kit to read kh or gh, but I can tell you my tap water is very hard. The city water tests say the hardness is 38 grains. I think you are onto the problem. for 18 months I added water when the level got low. the TDS is probably very high in the gravel. I...
  5. M

    Out of control Ph

    Warning: very long post. 1st I'll give you the complete history on this tank. 75 gallon tank I bought 6 years ago. Previous owner tried to keep African Cichlids but kept killing them. After a couple hundred dollars in fish he gave up. The tank has older 350 magnum canister filter with ceramic...
  6. M

    How much is too much filtration?

    Yes ScotJudd I should have clarified flow vs filtration. Thanks for the reply. The fact that Gold fish are poop machines is the reason I wanted the filtration I have now. The fish don't seem bothered by it When they want to relax they seem to find a slow eddy and hang out there. @CoolGuy, I...
  7. M

    How much is too much filtration?

    Hello and thank you for a wonder library of knowledge on fish. This is my first post about a problem so bear with me please. A quick history and then the question. About 2 years ago my daughter won a goldfish at a carnival. She bought it a bowl and took care of it. Well she was about to go...
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