Recent content by murph3400

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. murph3400


    Does anyone feed Tims Aquatics line of food? If so how do you like it? Happy asnd healthy New Year to all.
  2. murph3400

    20g L progression Journal

    Still up in the air about ECO or sand. Looking to have corys and pleco. Do not want to injure any fish. May do some of both
  3. murph3400

    20g L progression Journal

    Substrate is ECO complete?
  4. murph3400

    20g L progression Journal

    What kind of fish do you have in the tank?
  5. murph3400

    Khuli Loach one of my favs.

    How fast do they multiply? How are they in your tanks? They're gorgeous.
  6. murph3400

    Khuli Loach one of my favs.

    What type of snail is that? How many do you have? Look great. I guess the loaches, snails and shrimp get along?
  7. murph3400

    Some of my fish

    Outstanding fish
  8. murph3400


    What brand fish food do you use? Looking at Corys, Tetras, khuli loach and dwarf cichlids
  9. murph3400


    Just looking into it.
  10. murph3400


    Anyone using Seneye sensor in their tank?
  11. murph3400

    20g L progression Journal

    Looks great by the way. Nice job.
  12. murph3400

    20g L progression Journal

    Can you list your plants and your source??
  13. murph3400


    You use sand substrate
  14. murph3400


    I havent used it yet was just wondering
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