Recent content by nessaathena0822

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  1. nessaathena0822

    Weird red worms

    Okay thank you!! I got rid of the ones that were on the glass, and I haven’t seen anything else. I’ll update this if I see something else!
  2. nessaathena0822

    Weird red worms

    Here we go. Ugh.
  3. nessaathena0822

    Weird red worms

    My keyboard won’t go away to let me post a photo, and I tried to post it on my laptop but it isn’t working
  4. nessaathena0822

    Weird red worms

    The app is not allowing me to insert pictures for some reason
  5. nessaathena0822

    Weird red worms

    I have some really weird red worms that are on my tank glass. Some of them have weird like tentacles or something? I don’t know. Today is tank cleaning day so I can remove them, I just want to know what the heck they are. Thanks!
  6. nessaathena0822


    Okay, thanks!! I figured I’d wash the whole thing out as well before I put it in my car, LOL!
  7. nessaathena0822


    Okay, then no need to worry! They’re really small, just creepy Also, I had the six line when I only had 2 clowns and a firefish, he never met these inhabitants I’m not planning on getting any more fish, my flame was only a bit aggressive when I first got him, but he’s really calm now and hangs...
  8. nessaathena0822


    Hi guys I had a bristleworm problem about a year and a half ago, but I got a six line and he took care of that problem for me. I had to give him up, because he killed my beautiful and expensive helfrichi firefish, and he was going after my clowns as well. I have another bristleworm issue, but...
  9. nessaathena0822

    Fat/ pregnant fish?

    How long is she supposed to look like that??
  10. nessaathena0822

    Fat/ pregnant fish?

    Hey guys this might be a weird question but one of my fish is super fat?? I’m not sure what kind it is, looks like a neon but only has a red stripe. I’m not sure if it’s pregnant or fat. The fish doesn’t eat more or less than everyone else, and I don’t feed them much because they’re tiny...
  11. nessaathena0822


    Haha! I’m SUPER excited to pay bills!! How many buckets should I have? I have 3 currently but I have live rock and sand and fish and everybody else. It’s a 75 gallon so it’s supperrrrr heavy. Should I try to take the sand and rock out when I’m moving it? (It’s a 30 minute drive to the new place)
  12. nessaathena0822


    Hey guys, I’m moving out of my parents house soon (hooray, adulthood!) and I wanted to know if anyone has any suggestions for moving a 75 gal & stand with multiple fish, snails, & various crabs?
  13. nessaathena0822

    Weird white slugs?

    Yay! Thanks I was so worried!
  14. nessaathena0822

    Weird white slugs?

    Do I need to remove them, or are they harmless?
  15. nessaathena0822

    Weird white slugs?

    Are they rice-like and slimy??
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