Recent content by QuilterFish

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. Q

    Cloudy water after a PWC.

    I used Catalina Ocean Water, I did disturb the sand a bit on one side. The cloudiness is all gone, now. Thanks!
  2. Q

    Live sand

    Fairly new build. How do I start a new thread ?
  3. Q

    Cloudy water after a PWC.

    Parameters: Ammonia 0.00, nitrates 0.5
  4. Q

    Cloudy water after a PWC.

    Hi, I did a 5% PWC and my water is cloudy. Saltwater used-Scripps water. Temp and salinity were the same.
  5. Q

    New fish owner

    No betta with guppies. He eats at the frilly tail .
  6. Q

    29 Gallon Biocube Help

    The Coralife BioCube has curved glass aquarium with bowed front and rounded corners. Got this off their website.
  7. Q

    My new Coralife Biocube 29

    I got two green Chromis given to me at the LFS.
  8. Q

    29 Gallon Biocube Help

    BTW-Coralfe Biocube's are glass
  9. Q

    Newbie with a tank - so many questions!

    Newbie-has anyone used Scripps ocean water at the Scripps pier in the tank? I hear it is good
  10. Q

    Anyone in So Cal area?

    Carlsbad, San Diego
  11. Q

    looking for good LFS in Los Angeles area

    :) I've stopped at the bird shop there first thing before.
  12. Q

    My new Coralife Biocube 29

    I heard it was good, we were at their aquarium, yesterday and they use the same water-it's filtered three times. I think I will use it half and half for now. Half LFS, half Scripps
  13. Q

    My new Coralife Biocube 29

    Just seems like a lot! Some people say to put a little fish food inside to help the cycle. What do you all think? One week, new tank, LR, LS, Ocean water from Scripps.
  14. Q

    What Did You do With Your Tank Today?

    I checked my parameters, cleaned the glass, wiped the underside of the lid, checked temperature and searched for any life inside my one week old Coralife BioCube. Saw some legs wiggling out of the rocks, think it's brittle star appendages. Saw many little 3/8" long somethings crawling very fast...
  15. Q

    looking for good LFS in Los Angeles area

    It is further away, but in Ontario Fish Store called Global Aquatics is awesome. The fish are inside a door that is off the sales room-many, healthy looking fish, good reviews.
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