Recent content by RMPD109

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. R

    does anyone have pics of ick

    This site helped me rule out ick last year. It may help you as well
  2. R

    hating my overflow

    Try making the gurgle buster. It helps alot but not 100%
  3. R


    Check out the link attached. It is for how it works but if you search around the site you will find plenty of info.
  4. R

    live sand, crushed coral?

    I would buy dead dry sand and seed it with some LS. Dont use any CC as it will eventually rise to the top as the finer sand particles settle. Use the calculaters at the top to figure how much to use. Good luck.
  5. R

    new set up

    I hope I can help a little- 1- Use the calculator heading at the top of the page (type in dimensions) 2- Use 1.5 to 2 lbs of LR per gallon to help with bio filtration 3- It depends on what other items add water flow( a FOWLR is 10x turnover per hr) 4- FOWLR will not require any special lighting-...
  6. R

    Where to Find a Sump for Sale Online

    If all you want is a sump and not a refugium than it is an easy find. Any size tank will give you the increased volume and equipment space. A 30 gal tank would work well for you. It is a lot cheaper than buying a fabricated sump that does the same job.
  7. R

    Should I just start the cycle?

    The cycle itself will help in reducing the cloudiness. The beneficial bacteria will grow and attach to the sand particles making them settle.
  8. R

    lr and sump

    I would only be concerned with adding more liverock if you are increasing the bioload as well. The water volume itself doesnt need the extra LR.
  9. R

    looking to setup a 120 w/ closed loop - suggestions?

    What other sources of water movement are you going to have? Are you going to use the SCWD? What head height is it?
  10. R

    looking to setup a 120 w/ closed loop - suggestions?

    Here is a link for a closed loop with SCWD. This setup is for an undrilled tank but might help you some.
  11. R

    coralin algae dying???

    When coraline dies off it will turn a white color(bleaching). Coraline algae may be many colors not only purple/pink. The green may be coraline or the start of some other algae growth.
  12. R

    filter questions

    What type of filter is this(canister, HOB). If it is a canister type then it is pulling air from somewhere. If it is the HOB type then the water is being agitated somehow and returning to the tank.
  13. R

    Syphon question

    Two ways to stop this from siphoning. !st is to add a one way valve inline of the supply pipe. The other is to dill a small hole at the end of the supply over the 2nd sump. This way when the pump cuts off only what is in the pipe will drain out and no siphon will occur. I hope that made...
  14. R

    Anyone using closed loop?

    I am setting up my closed loop. I am using hangover returns and not drilling the tank. I am adding a SCWD to give a different water current and two returns from it.
  15. R

    LOUD overflow

    Here is an easy setup to take away some of the noise You can also try just sticking a piece of tubing down from the top. That will allow air in and keep it from getting the whirlpool sucking.
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