Recent content by sealife

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  1. sealife

    External canisters in series

    To my knowledge, the prefilter has no electric motor. It just gets sucked from the main filter. If this is true, im guesing flowrate will be decreased. But at least you get lots of stages of filtration. Sent from my SM-G920I using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  2. sealife

    How do i know if my tank glass is low iron?

    Thank you. I dont know how i should take a photo of the glass tank. I though this was they best way. Sent from my SM-G920I using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  3. sealife

    How do i know if my tank glass is low iron?

    I had a custom made tank a while ago and local store is no longer there. Apparently is was supposed to be a high end tank, but i did not know much about low iron or starfire glass back then. If i put pics up here of the end of the glass tank, could you tell from the pics? Pics in the links...
  4. sealife

    Gold vine drift wood leaking tannins after 1 year...

    Golden vine drift wood. So much tannins coming out, i cant beleive it. Sent from my SM-G920I using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  5. sealife

    Gold vine drift wood leaking tannins after 1 year...

    Hello, About 1 year ago i bought a small piece of golden vine driftwood. When i bought it i boiled it etc etc to the point that no tannins were leaking, and i had it in my tank for around 6 months and water was still crystal clear. No tannins leaked. I took out the wood and left it out for...
  6. sealife

    How hard to convert African Cichlid tank to Planted tank?

    Thanks PBSmith, Just some questions: 1. Which LED light would suit? 2 What is something that forties substrate? 3. What are easy low tech plants? Thanks again. Sent from my SM-G920I using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  7. sealife

    How hard to convert African Cichlid tank to Planted tank?

    If i was to convert to a planted tank, i will get rid of my 3 cichlids and start fresh with new stock. Sent from my SM-G920I using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  8. sealife

    How hard to convert African Cichlid tank to Planted tank?

    I only have 3 small africans and 2 catfish in it. Lighting is beamswork led 6w Substrate is inert natural coloured gravel. Around 4 to 6mm Thanks Sent from my SM-G920I using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  9. sealife

    How hard to convert African Cichlid tank to Planted tank? Here is a picture of my tank if it helps. Thanks. Sent from my SM-G920I using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  10. sealife

    How hard to convert African Cichlid tank to Planted tank?

    Hello, Im getting a bit bored of my African Cichlid tank, and would like a more hands on tank. So i am thinking of a Low Tech Planted tank. Never done a planted tank before. How hard is this to do? What do i need to change? My tank specs are: 47cm cube tank 27g/100litres Inert natural...
  11. sealife

    post your cichlid setup here!

    Not sure if i have posted my tank here or not. But this is my current tank. Stocking is: Leluepi Cobalt blue Krib Peppermint bristlenose Synodontis catfish (small breed) All are small juveniles and get along fine. Im thinking of re-doing tank as a planted tank. Im currently finding my tank a...
  12. sealife

    Question about planted tank and sunlight

    So this sunlight would do nothing to help on a planted tank? Sent from my SM-G920I using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  13. sealife

    Question about planted tank and sunlight

    I currently have a cichlid tank, which is set up near a window. Because it is near the window, the tank has some nice lush green algae growing in it. Actually looks nice. Does that mean if i was able to re do tank as a planted tank, the natural sunlight would benefit and help plants too? Im...
  14. sealife

    New tank set up

    Is the tank cycled? Sent from my SM-G920I using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  15. sealife

    What do you guys use in your AquaClear110 filters?

    Throw in filter floss in both to clear up water. Add the same media in both filters. Mechanical and bio media. Sent from my SM-G920I using Aquarium Advice mobile app
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