Recent content by Tasha

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. Tasha

    Summer heat!!!!

    Oh I hope It stops here soon, I go ocean fishing in 2 days and I want nice marine weather!!!
  2. Tasha

    Summer heat!!!!

    I cant either!!
  3. Tasha

    A quick memorial thread

    I've lost two cats within the last 2 years! One to lung cancer they think 3 years old, the other got very sick suddenly and 6 yrs old :(. It's not easy. ((hugs))
  4. Tasha

    Summer heat!!!!

    Well unlike Ryan-peddle I'm from Canada also but we've had nothing but rain wind lightening for the last couple weeks highs if only like 15 or so :(. Central bc Canada!!
  5. Tasha

    camallanus AGAIN!!!

    woohoo!! glad to hear it!
  6. Tasha

    How Long Till Birth?

    some fish will NOT give birth in those things.. she may just hold them in or abort them.
  7. Tasha

    Pineapple Wag Swordtail and Tuxedo Swordtail MATE!!!!

    I was coming to see if you had posted a picture... im getting ready to give up on you... my patience cant take this you know.... ;)
  8. Tasha

    Will my platy EVER give birth??

    Yeah!!! Congrast on the fry!! Pantherspawn, dont you hate it when they hold them in forever like that!!?? uggg
  9. Tasha

    Found a baby hanging out of mommy....

    Sorry to hear about the guppy :( Fortunately scarlett seems to be doing great. She is eating and swimming happily, even pooping, so everythings "working". we'll see what happens in a month when she has another batch.
  10. Tasha

    camallanus AGAIN!!!

    glad to hear that worked for you and your worm free (well your fish are :) )
  11. Tasha

    Ever Needed Medical Attention

    oops misread a post, my bad :)
  12. Tasha

    Help sexing my lyretail guppies!

    I agree with Big-J.... but with pic quality it is difficult
  13. Tasha

    Soon to be Angelfish father

    GL, hopefully they do a better job this time :)
  14. Tasha

    Breeding Lyretail Guppies!

    looks male to me, unless he just has his fin pulled up tight.
  15. Tasha

    Help for my molly

    do you make sure that when adding new water during PWC, you keep it the same temp going in as you took out??? I know this can cause ick to appear.
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