Recent content by Yash

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. Yash

    First timer

    Looks good, keep us updated
  2. Yash

    How cool are these clowns

    Bet you could find them online
  3. Yash

    Advice For My Stocklist

    Loving the clowns
  4. Yash

    Damsels aggressive?

    My damsels ruled the tank and bothered the clowns, guess I wasn't lucky.
  5. Yash

    Quick water question

    Tap water is a pain due to algae and stuff, eBay has some cheap ro systems if you Decide to buy one.
  6. Yash

    First timer

    I would recommend mixing your own water, just get a garbage can and throw in some salt (depends on how much water you are making) And ur powerhead to mix It all up.
  7. Yash

    Any KY people on here.........

    Go uk basketball
  8. Yash

    First timer

    eBay has one for 65 or so
  9. Yash

    Too small for seahorses?

    The part about cycling is very true. You want ur water to be near perfect to keep them happy and healthy
  10. Yash

    First timer

    There always that one thing hahaa
  11. Yash

    First timer

    "live sand" at your local Lfs will get pretty expensive, members on here use pool sand sometimes
  12. Yash

    First timer

    Yeah like everyone said it will eventually become "alive. The substrate is really your decision. If you want your live rock to have colors like orange or purple or w/e, make sure u get some rock with Coraline on it and it will spread
  13. Yash

    30 gallon reef fish.

    Not sure what exactly your asking or saying but Mr X has a good link
  14. Yash

    New cleaner?

    Yeah mine did that for a day or 2, now it just walking around
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