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  1. AnimalKrazed

    Air Pump Not Starting

    I went out and bought a Tetra Whisper Air Pump 10 to help aerate the breeder box I have, containing some Cory eggs. However, when I’d set it up as instructed the pump didn’t start at all. I’ve tried to find advice on what to do online but nothing really fits the situation. I mean, it’s Brand...
  2. AnimalKrazed

    Corydora Eggs

    Over the course of the last couple of days, I've woken up to find corydora eggs on the wall of my aquarium. I have only ever raised guppy fry successfully so I am uber nervous, but I kinda want to try and raise these guys if I can. To prep myself, I have watched a few videos to get some...
  3. AnimalKrazed

    Unexpected Fry, HELP!

    So, I tore down and sterilized my 10G last week and have put all the plants and decorations from it in a small 5G tub to just hold on to as I figure out what to do with those plants and such. I looked into the tub today and noticed some brown planaria, snails, usual expected things surviving in...
  4. AnimalKrazed

    Camallanus: Revenge of the Worm

    So, I'm back again. (-_-; ) I expect most people won't remember that I popped into the Unhealthy Fish section back in March to consult the wonderful members of this forum for advice on how to deal with Camallanus during the cycle period. I stopped updating the thread I made then for two...
  5. AnimalKrazed

    Camallanus Incident During Cycle: Please Advise

    This afternoon, I was taking a break from doing homework when I noticed one of my guppies having a long, white crap in my cycling 10G. Did a quick research blitz online and found out that not only is that a common sign of internal parasites, but that livebearers often carry something called...
  6. AnimalKrazed

    My 5G & 10G Aquariums

    Man, it has been a while since I lasted hopped on here, can't believe it has almost been a year since I posted on here... In any case, I'm here to share good news...I got a new tank. A nice 10G Aqueon standard kit. Could of gone larger...but things were easier for me this way. It's currently...
  7. AnimalKrazed

    Silly Things Your Tank Buddies Do

    I was inspired to make this thread as I was browsing through some of the posts we make about quirks of our fish/snail/etc buddies. I know from experience that it doesn't matter if your tank buddy subsides off of oxygenized water, air, or the next social gathering (friends with tanks are tank...
  8. AnimalKrazed

    First Time Planting 5.5 Gallon; Please Help

    Hi all, pleased to join this part of the forum. This is the first time I have tried for plants in the aquarium, so I am sticking with relatively easy/low light plants. I figure I will post what plants I have added to the tank before asking for your advice. Currently I have stocked my aquarium...
  9. AnimalKrazed

    For Life on Dorm & at Home: 5.5 Gallon Set-Up

    Hi everyone, thanks for taking some time to look at this thread. Currently, I am in the midst of preparing a 5.5 Gallon (8in wide, 10in high, 16in length wise). I aim to keep this a relatively simple set-up because I am currently living on dorm and will have to move the aquarium between home...
  10. AnimalKrazed

    Funny Stories of Fishes Past

    So I have only been a member of this forum for about two-ish weeks at the time of this post and I have been browsing to see if there was a thread for funny stories that we forumites have had involving our fish. I was kind of surprised that I couldn't find anything that resembled what I had in...
  11. AnimalKrazed

    Greetings from Ontario; Getting Toes back into Fish Keeping Waters

    Greetings everyone. I'm just getting my toes back into the waters of fish keeping. I used to be an avid fish keeper a bit less than a decade back. I stopped because it was getting too expensive for my nonexistent wallet and I wanted to focus more on my high school education at the time. Back...
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