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  1. murph3400


    Does anyone feed Tims Aquatics line of food? If so how do you like it? Happy asnd healthy New Year to all.
  2. murph3400


    What brand fish food do you use? Looking at Corys, Tetras, khuli loach and dwarf cichlids
  3. murph3400


    Anyone using Seneye sensor in their tank?
  4. murph3400


  5. murph3400

    Quarantine tank

    Looking for suggestions to set up quarentine tank. Whats the best size tank and what should be in the tank filterwise, substrate or nothing? Etc.
  6. murph3400


    I am starting a 40 breeder and would love to have some Appistos. And thoughts on what I can start with. Would love to have a few pair. Unfortunately I have hard water ph 7.6. Is it a possibility. Woyld like to stick with amazonian theme and have some dither fish ad well. Reccomendation are welcome.
  7. murph3400

    Uv steralizer and Ehiem Canister filter

    Does anyone use UV with asn Ehiem canister filter? If so what type?
  8. murph3400

    Hydor Canister filter and inline heater

    Just curious has anyone used the Hydor CF and inline heater? Thoughts?
  9. murph3400

    Tank Stand/Cabinet

    Need recommendation for a good 29gal and 40b tank stand or cabinet.
  10. murph3400

    29 gal tank

    Have a 29 gal tank. Just cleaned. Doesnt appear to be leaking but 20yrs old. Should I reseal it? Or should I buy another? Does it need resealing if it doesnt leak??
  11. murph3400

    Quarantine tank

    Need some advice on setting up 10gal quarantine tank. Filter lighting etc considering it will on be used sporadically. Thoughts??
  12. murph3400

    Rocks and Caves

    Hello AA I am looking for a resource for some stones and caves for community tank which will have khuli loaches. Any ideas would be great. Thanks in advance
  13. murph3400

    RO System

    Anyone use Aquatic Life RO Buddie.
  14. murph3400


    Is driftwood safe for Khuli Loaches and Apisros? If so what type? Where does everyone buy it??
  15. murph3400

    40 gal long 36x18x13

    I am being told by a vendor tgat a 40 long tank is 36X18x13 I do not agree and was actually looking for a 40b. Thoughts??
  16. murph3400

    Carib Sea

    Has anyone used Carib Sea Super Naturals for substrate in a planted aquarium??
  17. murph3400

    Khuli Loaches and Eco Complete

    Looking to start 40b tank planted. Was considering eco complete but looking at Khuli Loaches. Looking for input. I do not want to injure loaches
  18. murph3400

    40 gal high vs 29 gal high

    Thoughts on planted 40gal high vs 29gal high? Same footprint.
  19. murph3400

    Hard Water

    Tested tap water pH 8.0 hardness approx 250ppm. Any suggestions. Trying to set up planted with dwarf cichlids. Thank you
  20. murph3400

    R/O water

    Is R/O water absolutely necessary for initial set up and water changes?
  21. murph3400

    Deworming Fish

    Has anyone ever dewormed their fish? Is this particular to a species? Should this be routinely done? Thank you.
  22. murph3400


    Has anyone heard about se ssay deworming dwarf cichlids. Someone just mentioned it on another forum.
  23. murph3400


    Looking for a great place(s) for both plants and Dwarf So American Cichlids. Any recommendations?
  24. murph3400


    Anyone use or try Fluvol Stratum?
  25. murph3400

    Loaches and Dwarf Cichlids

    Appreciate anyones thoughts on a planted aquarium with Loaches and Dwsrf Cichlids. In prep stages 50 gal cube??
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