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  1. B

    Finally restarted my 100 gallon

    I have finally restarted my 100 Gallon F/W tank after moving into our NEW home and although this tank has been with us for 20 years, it is the first time for African Cichlids. I aquascaped/Rockscaped the tank with 130 LBS of pool filter sand # 20 mesh and took my time deciding on the rockscape...
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    Can anyone tell me what ingredient is in this product ?

    Has anyone used this product before and can anyone tell me what the ingredients are,? I want to make sure it is safe for my acrylic plexi-glass tank.
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    How can i make backround standout better

    I have a nice backround for my 100 G Accrylic tank, however, once water is in the tank the backround fades away and you can hardly see it. I have heard something about a product that you can apply to the backround and it secures the backround to the tank and at the same time makes the backround...
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    What kind of pool filter sand is safe ?

    I want to use pool filter sand for my aquarium. What are the differences in this sand ? What ingredients should I avoid in the pool filter sand ? I heard something about silica but not sure if that is good or bad .
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    How did you rockscape your tanks ?

    I am redoing my 100 Gallon tank and since the water here is very hard, I want to go with some kind of african cichlids so they will be happy & healthy in this water. I want to get some ideas on different rockscapes that people have done so I can get some ideas that I may never have thought of...
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    Shoe us your rockscape, aquascapes

    I am redoing my 100 Gallon tank and since the water here is very hard, I want to go with some kind of african cichlids so they will be happy & healthy in this water. I want to get some ideas on different rockscapes that people have done so I can get some ideas that I may never have thought of...
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    Need links to aquascaping ideas

    I am Restarting my 100 Gallon tank after a move to our new home and although I have had this tank for 19 years and have aquascaped it a hundred different times it seems, I am just drawing a blank when it comes to some new aquascaping ideas. I am looking at going with africans and would like to...
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    Anyone in the northern nevada area ?

    I AM IN Dayton , nevada anyone here close by ? Bert
  9. B

    Ph ajusting product question

    I live in an area where the water is very hard. I see products like PROPER PH 7.0 and other PH ratings for different bottles. Is this stuff any good and does it maintain the PH that it claims to ? I have never used this stuff and want to make sure that it just doesn't change the PH to the number...
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    Choice of new canister filter help

    I am restarting my 100 Gallon F/W tank after moving to our new home. I have been running a Magnum 350 for 5 years, good filter but lacks biological filtration which has caused some problems SO, I am going to buy a new canister filter and (i won't buy online because i want to see before I buy.)...
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    Moving, want to re-start 100 g as african cichlid tank

    Hi everyone, I have had my 100 Gallon F/W aquarium for almost 18 years and have restarted it 4 times due to moving. We rented here for almost 5 years and we have finally bought our first home. So once again I am re-starting my Aquarium. For the last 5 years, I have raised tetras, Gouramies...
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    I have restocked my 100 Gal. with a lot of new fish plus added real plants with a complete new aquascape. I will download pics later tonite :D
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    I have a 100 Gallon fresh water tank equiped with a Magnum 350 canister filter ( mechanical/ chemical filtration only ) submerged powerhead with foam filter on opposite side of tank. I have been looking at 2 other canister filters as a new replacement. they are-- 1--FLUVAL 405 $210.00 2--...
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    I bought 4 amazon swords for my 100 Gallon. I changed the lighting from the zoo med ocean sun 10000K ( to bright white and brown coating over everything ) to zoo med tropic sun. dimmer, yellowish looking but no brown algea caoting. My amazon swords were 18-20 inches when i bought them, a lot of...
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    I have a good question, My 100 Gallon F/W tank has been in use for 17 years. It has been set up here in Nevada for the last 4 years. I have always had great success with this tank. (MAGNUM 350- POWERHEAD WITH SPONGE FILTER submerged ) I decided to start adding some guppies to my tank so the wife...
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    HI, I have a chance to enter 1 picture of my Aquarium in a local contest in Reno, Nevada. It is an overall aquascaping contest to choose the best looking aquascaped freshwater aquarium. I am going to post 5pictures and the first three pictures show my drift wood displayed one way AND the other 2...
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    Here is some information on the tropical fish that flew as part of an experiment on the space shuttle, lucky fish !! :D
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    This is my 100 Gallon freshwater Aquarium

    i will see if my picture will post
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    Hi New Member here

    Hi I have just registered and i would like to introduce myself. my name is Bert, my Aquarium is a 100 Gallon Plexiglas freshwater that i have had for 16 years. It started out as a marine tank but living in the California mountains with heavy snowfall we had several power outages and fish were...
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