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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. Z

    Vacation and Power Outage Questions

    Hey everyone! :) Well thanks to a lot of help from some of you here on the site, I've got my 10 gallon tank successfully up and running for about 2-3 months now. Got 4 awesome female guppies in there that have been doing quite fine so far. I love the little guys .. Er, girls. ;) My husband and...
  2. Z

    Off to a bad start ...

    I got a ten gallon starter tank on Thursday along with 2 fantail goldfish. Unfortunately, I didn't know what I was getting myself into and didn't do any research on tanks or fish until after I had bought and set everything up. As expected, the 2 poor fantail goldfish died Saturday night and...
  3. Z

    First Time, First Mistakes

    Hi everyone. :) Yesterday I was out driving around and throught to myself, "I should buy some goldfish!" I'd been considering buying some goldfish for a while now and finally I just went and did it ... My only experience with goldfish that I have is watching the immortal goldfish, that my...
  4. Z

    New Gal in Town!

    Hi everyone! :) My name is Annalee and I am very new to this whole fish and aquarium thing. I live here in beautiful Tennessee, but am originally a California native. I moved out here 8 months ago to be with my husband who is in the Army and is stationed at Ft. Campbell. He deployed in...
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