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  1. 00youknowit00

    Cole's Free 28 Nano Cube Build

    So a little background on how this happened! My boss knows how crazy I am about fish haha, so when his dad wanted to get rid of his cube he thought of me. When he asked if I wanted it I asked how much, his reply "if you come get it, you can have it". How do you turn that down!? Lol The tank was...
  2. 00youknowit00

    DIY Sump

    So I would like to make a sump for my 20g reef. It doesn't need to be anything fancy so I would like to use a "rubbermaid" type container. I have a few questions though, is there a certain type of plastic I want? I don't know if some kinds leak things out or anything. Thanks! Cole
  3. 00youknowit00

    Really starting to get mad, what is it?

    So this stuff used to come a little when my old t5 bulbs started to die. But I have LED's now so that's not it. Seems like no matter how much water I change it doesn't subside. If I can just figure out what it is that'll help. Its like white and fuzzy-hair but nothing like how green hair algae...
  4. 00youknowit00

    Best way to hang LED's?

    So I finally got my Reef Breeders LED fixture in and I love it! It came with the harness but nothing to actually hang it with. Im curious how y'all hang your fixtures, and the best way to go about this. Thanks! Cole
  5. 00youknowit00

    Fuzzy, hair like algae?

    So about every six months when my T5 bulbs start to go I start to see algae come up. I'm at 8 months now, and have a LED fixture on the way. In the meantime I'd like to know what exactly this stuff is, I hate it! Thanks, Cole
  6. 00youknowit00

    LED's for a 20H, which ones?

    So i've slowly been acquiring more and more LED tanks. Now the only T5HO lights I have are on my 20H. And as the pattern repeats, at about 6-7 months on the bulbs I start getting cyano. Spend $80 on new bulbs and my problem ceases. Well im pretty sure I can light my tank with LED's for not too...
  7. 00youknowit00

    Why this kind of algae?

    So its an Aqueon Evolve 8, stock LED light, I'm getting this flowing algae. ammo, nitrite, and nitrate are all 0ppm. Lights are on from 3:00pm to 9:00pm. The plants themselves look great and have good growth, the algae doesn't seem to be hindering their growth at all. Any ideas?
  8. 00youknowit00

    HUNDREDS of tiny snails..

    So I've started seeing these tiny snails lately, not in crazy numbers, but enough that I notice them, mainly on the glass. But tonight I was looking at the tank with an LED flashlight and noticed something.. There are literally hundreds of these tiny little snails, ALL over my rocks. What are...
  9. 00youknowit00

    In-tank "sign"

    So long story short my girlfriend of 2+ yrs has a tank in her room. Its a 5gallon pico reef. Prom is coming up and want to put a little sign in there saying "Prom?" To ask her. I want to use this little thing: Make a sign like this (bad drawing haha): And attach the sign to the back...
  10. 00youknowit00

    What are these guys?

    Have no clue haha
  11. 00youknowit00

    How in the world do y'all get leathers to glue??

    I have a leather frag that I can't get to glue to save my life.. I've tried everything. A ton of glue, a little bit of glue, putting it in a cup with holes drilled in it so there's practically zero flow, etc. So the last attempt I glued it to the rock, and then loosely tied dental floss around...
  12. 00youknowit00

    Weird jellyfish type things..?

    So I was taking the xenia out of my 3g(slightly neglected) tank and all of a sudden noticed these jellyfish like things jumping around at the front glass.. I tried to take pictures and a video but its really hard to get it to focus.. But ill post what I got. So anyone know what these are? If...
  13. 00youknowit00

    Having GSP grow on the back wall?

    Im considering gluing some of my gsp to the back wall.. Has anyone done this before? What do y'all think? Thanks!
  14. 00youknowit00

    ATI or Giesemann?

    I'm in the market for some new bulbs and these seem like where it's at haha. I'm looking for a bluer looking tank, its a little white for my tastes right now.. Im running 2 10k, and 2 actinics. I don't know much about either bulb brand, so choosing bulbs is kinda hard haha, what would y'all...
  15. 00youknowit00

    TDS Meter Recommendation?

    I'm looking for a reliable TDS meter at a decent price. Which ones do y'all use? Thanks!
  16. 00youknowit00

    Don't even have a guess.. haha

    The hair/spider web like stuff on the glass. It has little things "budding" off the main "string" The two translucent white "tubes". They're soft/squishy. They've been there a while, watched them get bigger and bigger haha. Don't seem to be a threat at all. Maybe one of y'all have an idea...
  17. 00youknowit00

    MJ1200 heat issues?

    So I have a MJ1200 running my gfo reactor and my temp is getting up to 84.2°F!!! I believe its the problem as I can feel it is warm when touch it. Is this a common problem with these pumps? Thanks!
  18. 00youknowit00

    Wave-Point HO LED question

    With this light: Support medium light corals(if any)(zoas, palys, gsp) on a 13" tall tank? I know nothing about LED's haha Thank...
  19. 00youknowit00

    Starting to see some cyano.. why??

    So I'm starting to get some cyano, is it cause my photoperiod is too long? Phosphate: 0ppm Nitrate: 5ppm Photoperiod: actinics 10hrs, whites 8hrs. I feel like this is the problem.. Thanks!
  20. 00youknowit00

    LED's for a fluval chi?

    Okay so I hate the light/filter it came with. Want a replacement. Perferably a clip on LED, and without being too much money possibly one that can support some mushrooms? The tank is 13" tall. What do y'all think? Thanks!
  21. 00youknowit00

    Enought light for a BTA?

    So like the title says, do I have enough light for a BTA, if its high up on the rock? 4 x 24w t5 on a 20H: 2 x Actinic 2 x 10k Thanks!
  22. 00youknowit00

    Green Spaghetti Leather

    I was given some green spaghetti leather, did a little research, found it needs med-high light, went ahead and put it up on my top rock. I have a 4 x 24w t5, 2 x 10k, 2 x actinic, think it'll be enough light? And tell me if you think it looks okay, it looks like it went limp.. Even it first...
  23. 00youknowit00

    What kind of glue to use when you frag?

    What kind of glue do y'all use to mount coral when you frag them?
  24. 00youknowit00

    RO/DI unit recommendations

    Well I'm really tired of buying gallon jugs of distilled water now so I'm in the market for an RO/DI unit, I do not know anything about them though. I have a 20 gallon tank, and that's it right now. It's not a lot, but I want one that doesn't take forever. Maybe 100gpd? Would like to try and get...
  25. 00youknowit00

    Good idea or bad?

    I have a hydor korilla 600gph powerhead that was given to me. It's too much to use for my 20H. So could I wire I light switch dimmer into it to make it adjustable? Or is that just a really bad, huge fire hazard idea? P.S. I'm a very competent solderer and have done electrical work before. I'm...
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