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  1. N

    For Sale: Baby Jack Dempsies~ VA

    I have about 50 babies left, asking $1 each, deals if you buy more, they were born in November. I live in Hampton roads VA ... email me with any questions
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    paralyzed fish

    Hi i have a tank with platys and mollies, yesterday morning i woke up to my black fish (idk what one she was) dead and it looked like her "skin" was peeling off which i thought was odd bc obviously they dont have skin... And now i have another fish who is acting like its paralyzed... it is...
  3. N

    Tiny White Bugs in my tank

    I found a bunch of tiny white bugs in my tank, they are so crazy small that i cant even get a picture of them, but they are on the glass and the driftwood. Any idea what they are? should i move my fish or treat the tank or what? Thanks for any help!! ok i got a pic!!
  4. N

    11 days old :)

    my baby jack dempseys! i can finally get a picture of them at 11 days :)
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    what do you to not suck fry into filter?

    Hi! I had a stocking wrapped around my filter intake but it slowly would stop getting any water so i unwrapped it and loosened it then my babies started getting stck to it and a few died :( can anyone give me some tips? this is the first time ive had fry thanks!!
  6. N

    Are these snail eggs???

    i have a bunch of snails in my tank and i read some snails lay above the water line, so are these snail eggs or should i be freaking out? lol
  7. N

    Algea Issues...

    well we have a 110 gal (i thnk thats what it is) with a bull head catfish, a peacock bass, mag, 2 jds and snails. we had 2 7-8in plecos in there but they were sucking on my other fish :/ so they found new homes... now the tank is fullof algea (duh) and the snails suck, any other ideas? I tried...
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    mod approval

    Is it normal that everytime i post i get a message that my post will not be visible until a moderator approves it?
  9. N

    Questions about JD behavior after spawning

    My jack dempseys laid eggs last week and i separated them from our other fish, i got a new 30gal and filled it with water from the other tank. the babies hatched (and are adorable) and they are 4 days old today. Everything was going good until today, the parents started freaking out and werent...
  10. N

    Jack Dempsey eggs hatching!!

    I noticed yesterday that my JDs had eggs so i moved them into thier own 30gal tank with thier eggs, the eggs are starting to hatch now!! they are wiggly and stuff, but mama hasnt started moving them yet, is this normal? This is the first time that we have had eggs so i dont really know alot...
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    Jack Dempsey eggs

    Hello! This is my first expierence with eggs, i didnt plan to breed my them but they did it on thier own lol but I have a 125 gal tank and i noticed yesterday that my JDs spawned so i bought them a new 30gal and put them and thier eggs in there with water from the big tank. They are being great...
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