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  1. J

    Wanted: rcs

    I live in Casper WY and my lfs petco does not carry them and wont carry them. I have a 1.8 gallon planted tank I intend to put them in and maybe add some to my 55. If you have some you would be willing to part with please let me know. Thanks for your time. :)
  2. J

    tank and doser need friends

    Ok so tank is an auratus and doser is yellow lab. They have a 55g they call home. Any suggestions for some more friends for these guys?
  3. J

    id help plz :)

    This my friends is tank. Anyone know what tank is?
  4. J

    down by the river

    So taking the family out for a walk down by the river and going to be keeping an eye out for any free dw that might be around and some good looking rocks. Does any one have any suggestions on how to make sure anything I find is tank safe? I'm just kind of assuming that if it in the river it must...
  5. J

    changing the 55 around a lil

    So I have an already established 55 that I'm wanting to change over into a cichlid tank. Anyone have any ideas as to what kind and how many I could keep?
  6. J

    mr neon and the big tank in the sky

    Its a sad day in the 55 my friends. Mr tetra was called from this cold world in the night sometime. Taken in his prime (no idea why or what happened). He was found early this morning stuck to the intake of the filter. His friends and family all seem to be doing well and handling this tragic loss...
  7. J

    low growing "grasses"

    I'm looking for a very short growing plant that will in time kind of carpet the bottom of my tank. If there even is such a thing. Any ideas anyone?
  8. J

    am i the only aquarium nut in the casper Wy area?

    I'm new to Casper I'm from west Texas. I been here about a two months and decided to get a tank. But I have no idea as to a lfs to use. Sure there's PETCO but I'm nit to impressed with them. Anyone else know of any??
  9. J

    blue gourami breeding

    Hiya everyone. I just got a blue gourami absolutely have no idea on how to tell the sexs apart. Was wondering if anyone on here had an answer to that. Ill try to get a picture of Pat( is it Patrick or Patricia hmm lol) the gourami when I get home if it will make things easier.
  10. J

    its stocking time :)

    Hiya welp the 55 is good to go and started adding my new finned friends. At the moment I have a rather large blue gourami aka Duke. And a school of zebra danios that refuse to sit still long enough to be named. But I still feel I have lots of room for more fish. I just don't know what I want to...
  11. J

    tossing around doin a salt water tank

    Howdy gang I'm getting a new 55g tank for Christmas and am trying to decide if I wanna do a fresh or salt tank. I've had a few fresh water and would like to try my hand with something different. But I'm completely ignorant as to what I would need or how to go about setting up a salt water tank...
  12. J

    55 fw build help please :)

    Howdy y'all so I was thinking of getting a 75g as Christmas gift for myself but was talked into a 55g by the warden (aka my wife) so all prior planning has been aborted and trying to gather new thoughts and ideas for the 55. Any tips on how to build a snazzy looking community tank?
  13. J

    ok so now its a toss up

    My wife is wanting to have angelfish in our new 75g tank. I'm a fan of the African ciclids. Which do tall think we would get more bang for our Buck with? I know with the angels we would be kinda limited as to how many we could keep. Is it the same story with the Africans?
  14. J


    So I'm waiting on my new 75g tank to come in and doing a lil research on angelfish. I was curious to know some of yalls thoughts on the fish and what others may go well with them.
  15. J

    new 75 gal need some advice

    I'm looking at getting a 75 gallon tank but I have some questions about it thought maybe I could get a little bit better response on here than what the fish store guy has to say. I was wondering what some of y'all would recommend I look into as far as filters heaters and such. I'm thinking on...
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