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  1. Miyavp

    Easy tank build

    Hello fellow aquarium keepers! I’m thinking of getting back into fishkeeping. I used to have 35-60 gallon goldfish tanks. I want to put together a really really simple build. Dumb simple. 15 gallons would be the max I would want. I was thinking white mountain cloud minnows. Does anyone have...
  2. Miyavp

    Small tank build

    I've had very large tanks in the past and I've done all the water testing medicating water changes stuff etc. Anyway I want to do a small build. No larger than 10 gallons. I would like something with maybe some schooling fish and some plants. I don't want it to be incredibly high maintenance...
  3. Miyavp

    Goldfish Septicemia

    I belive one of my goldfish has developed goldfish sepis. She has red veiny streaky fins a red sore from the base of one of her fins and is very lethargic. She was already a floater due to previous swim bladder problems and I belive she developed a sore and it became infected. I have three...
  4. Miyavp

    Shrimp, Snails, plants or anything?

    I found this super bity desk fishtank on amazon. Needless to say this is no home for any fish. But I was wondering on tank size for shrimp or snails? Or would plants be the only home this micro tank could possibly home? Its just too darn cute :rofl: Fascinations USB Desktop...
  5. Miyavp

    Another praise for aquaclear filters

    We've been having storms and windy weather lately and the lights have been flickering. I didnt think too much of it until I went to feed my fish tonight and noticed my 75 gallon aquaclear wasnt running. Horrified I unplugged it refilled it and try as I might the poor thing would'nt start. So I...
  6. Miyavp

    What kind of pleco is this?

    I'll be posting pictures asap but I got this pleco when he was about an inch or two long and now he's about 4-5 inches long and he has this GIANT dorsal fin. At first I thought he had finrot but this isnt the case because he's been like this his whole life ever since I bought him at the...
  7. Miyavp

    Anybody hate this as well?

    When life gets busy and you get behind on your aquarium care?? Just signed up for my first year of college and lifes been a little crazy, student loans and such. I guess keeping my goldfish in my room is a constant reminder glaring me in the face :P
  8. Miyavp

    My moms betta :(

    So my moms betta has raised scales on top of his head. I've read several threads starting with this symptom and leading to dropsy. I could really use some advice. She's kept him in a unfiltered one gal bowl without a heater. How should I go about this? I was thinking of giving him a water change...
  9. Miyavp

    Power outage blew my betta filter :(

    Can I put him in a floating breeder tank in with my goldfish? And what filter should I order? I was thinking an aquaclear 20 but would that be too large?
  10. Miyavp

    Goldfish turning white?

    37gal with three ryukins one large bubble bar a aquaclear70 and a sunsun40. Its been setup for about 2years now. I do 1-2 10gal water changes a week. My almost three yearold goldfish(alcapone) has recently begun growing a patch of white. Its not raised or fuzzy its the scales themselves. There...
  11. Miyavp

    Hob filter attachment

    I cant find these anywhere and I think there just the coolest things ever. Its for hob filters outflow. You know the splashing noise from where the water enters the tank. Its a spongy peice that allows the water to flow through it and into the tank without making a noise. Anybody know what these...
  12. Miyavp

    Mastertest Kit ammonia results

    Is the differance between 0ppms and .25ppms suppost to be signifigant on the ammonia test? I'm having a hardtime telling. I took some of my tap water with prime in it and tested that and they look identical to me. I'd post photos but my crappy phone makes the tubes look much darker than they are.
  13. Miyavp

    Black patches?

    I know your thinking ammonia burns but hold on. Am0ppms Ni0ppms NA40-80PPM Ph6.8-7.0 Other than my nitrates being too high and my ph being a little oddly low I cant say there ammonia burns. I used a mastertest kit. I have three ryukins in a 37gal with a aquaclear70 and a sunsun40. I do 10-15gal...
  14. Miyavp

    my next goldfish tank!

    So next year I'm planning to get myself a larger goldfish tank. Right now I have a crowded 37gal with 3ryukins I'm planning on an upgrade to a 75gal. One of my ryukins is a sinker meaning he lays on the bottom. His swim bladders got damaged or deformed so he cant swim anymore. Anybody have...
  15. Miyavp

    Garden Snail Terrarium :)

    So I didnt find alot of help online when I wanted to set this thing up so I think I'll include what I learned :) Equipment used: 15gal aquarium Top soil or Yard dirt Cuttlefish bone Rocks Weeds Spray bottle Wire lid and a towel Worms(optional) So first I rinsed down my terrarium with water...
  16. Miyavp

    Dumbest Aquarium advice you've ever been given?

    Goldfish like dirty water, you really dont need to change it.
  17. Miyavp

    Thinking about a pond for my babys....

    I have three ryukins in a tank not nearly large enough. I'd really like to get them some sort of outside setup. It cant be anything permemnent because I'll probubly be moving next year. Also if its too expensive its not possible. Ideas? We dont have hot summers or very cold winters here.
  18. Miyavp

    Weird behavior?

    One of my ryukins recently became a sinker. So I had him in a floating breeder tank for a while so I could slowly remove the gravel from the tank. I recently released him from it and now my female ryukin has been hanging around the bottom near him. While he was in the floating breeder net she...
  19. Miyavp

    Odd behavior

    Lately I've caught one of my ryukins hiding under my fake plant, its really odd because its specificly under one leaf and its only occasionally. Other than that all my other fish are acting normal. I have three of them in a 37gal tank. I have an aquaclear 70 along with a sunsun40. I do a...
  20. Miyavp

    Awesome? Its a story about a guy in britian who turns his cellar into a huge fish pond and fills it with fish from the congo and amazon. Its so sick!
  21. Miyavp

    Goldfish sling

    So after a month of trying meds I've come to the final conclusion my ryukin has a deflated swim bladder. So he can swim I've built him a sling out of airline tubing, fishing line and a glass bubble. I'll have to do some refining to make it work better but for now here he is :) thoughts?
  22. Miyavp

    Internal Parasites? or not?

    Please dont be turned away from the mass of text :( I really need some advice. So a little background info. I have three ryukins in a 37gal tank. I have a sunsun 40 submersible filter and a aquaclear 70 filter. I do a ten gallon water change weekly. So roadrunner my male ryukin started to act...
  23. Miyavp

    Overfed my betta.....

    I'd just had my hands in my sick tank and didnt want to touch the food and accidentally poured too many pelets into the tank....Seven, thats five too many.... Should I fast him tommorow? Also I had to reach in to try and remove the extra pellets. I got two of them. I really dont want him...
  24. Miyavp

    Hand feeding my poor ryukin

    So my ryukin road runner has been having some problems with SBD and internal parasites (I am medicating him for them) and he cant make it all the way up to the top of my tank for feedings. Usually the food sinks but this batch of gel food hasnt been wanting too. So I wash my hands real well...
  25. Miyavp

    Need help making gel food asap!

    So my goldfish roadrunner has SBD and I'm pretty sure his issues are stemming from internal parasites due to his symptoms and the fact he's not getting any better from peas or spinach and he wasnt constipated. So...I ordered seachem meterdolizle stuff aka the stuff thats in metro meds and...
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