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    Protein skimmers

    What is a good HOB protein skimmer for my tank? I'm going to toss my seaclone as I'm tired of fixing it every other week. I looked at the Coralife, but I didn't see any reviews for it. As anyone used this skimmer and had any problem with it?
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    One of my jawfish disappeared yesterday. I went to feed last night, and it was gone. So I moved some rocks around to find a body, but no body. I checked all of my water parameters and all was where it should be. The other jawfish is fine and their are no signs of an attack on that one. I...
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    Could you ID please?

    On some of my LR I've got these clear tube-like figures protruding from the rock. They don't move around, but they seem to be popping up all over the place. What could they be?
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    Inside New Orleans

    These postings are from a listserve for artists of African descent. One was posted by the cousin of the founder of this listserve. Another is a transcription of Charmaine Neville (Aaron Neville's daughter). Stories like the ones below contest the racist portrayals that we are all reading about...
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    Moorish Idol at my LFS

    I couldn't believe it. I was looking around today at my LFS, and that's what I came across. I was so disappointed to see that fish in there. I wanted to confront them, and ask why. I just turned, and walked out. That was the first time I've actually seen a Moorish Idol, and it was a great...
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    Some people don't listen

    I have a regular customer who doesn't listen to a thing I say. For the last two weeks I've kept him from buying fish for his tank. He's got a 55 gallon with about 40lbs of LR in it. He cycled with four damsels; which I told him he should just use the LR. The week after the brown stage ended...
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    Any suggestions?

    I'm trying to decide on what invert to get next for my tank. I'm going to get three more astrea, and nassarius snails to complete my team of snails. I might change it up a little with a different type of snail to dig through the substrate. But my question to the almighty AA is any suggestions...
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    I got my new equipment

    Just arrived this afternoon. I ordered from Drs. Foster and Smith Saturday, and received today. I got a Seaclone 100 skimmer, versatop, and double striplight. I had a new filter the Penguin 200, and had the bio-wheel sitting in the tank for over a week. Of course I couldn't get evrything...
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    Skimmer Help

    I need help with skimmers. I have the eclipse hood, and I have little room for internal skimmers. So what would you suggest for a skimmer?
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    Did I do something stupid?

    I bought some macro algae today to be more specific it's calerpa. Is this going to take over my tank? My new Emerald Crab was eating some of it, but I doubt he'll be able to eat it all. I was reading through the archives on this stuff, and it sounds like it's more detrimental than helpful.
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    Red Slime update

    I've changed food, and my fish like the flakes just as well as frozen. I also used the chemi-clean, and that worked great. I put it in Tuesday afternoon. By Wednesday morning 60% was gone, and today over 90% is gone. So I manually removed whats left after work. I tested my water to make...
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    Red Slime Removal

    I seem to be on the losing end of a battle with Red Slime. It seems like it goes away to a point, and then it gets worse. I've cut the lights down, and it isn't in front of a window. I feed once a day. I added a phosphate filter pad to remove phosphates, and have been putting in Marine...
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    The conversion

    I was looking at Aragalive (I believe) for my new substrate. I was contemplating using some live sand, but I have to make sure my jaws can make a good home. So I of course am going to go with the rock like substrate. I'll do half one weekend, and then the other half two weeks after that. So...
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    id please

    I have these green bubbles growing on my LR. They look solid, and aren't air bubbles. I wish I could show you a pic, but I can't. Does anyone have a clue what these are?
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    Switching CC to live sand

    I've started to realize the drawbacks of CC when my nitrates were high last week. So I'm definitely trying to come up with a plan to add sand with some crushed shells. So what would be the best way to undertake this adjustment without risking the lives of my fish?
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    Snail problems

    In my 29 I've tried 4 turbo snails, and all four have died. I went into the LFS, and told them my first two died. The guy asked me if I had used coppersafe, and all about my parameters. I did use coppersafe two months ago, and I've donw many water changes since then. The two I bought the...
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    A few hours ago I was watching my tank, and this white worm-like creature came out from the rock. It disappeared quickly after I tried to get a closer look. It just came out again, and spit some red stuff into the tank, and then vanished again. What could it be?
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    Pod question

    I was thinking about getting a mandarin, but I've nixed that idea until I get a bigger tank. Would a pod population be a food source for my clowns or would they just become a problem? I have some that have come on my LR, but not a whole lot.
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    Cleaning crew plans

    Now that I have a peaceful tank, and somewhat of an inkling of what I'm doing I'm going to be assemblying a cleaning crew to help me out. Here's my ideas, and if you have any suggestions go ahead and add them. I probably won't start this until after I get the rest of my Christmas shopping...
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    Vampire Pseudochromis

    Has anyone ever seen one of these? I was looking at one, but so far haven't seen any info. Can anyone give me any info about them?
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    Another live rock question

    Ok I'm currently putting cured LR in my tank. Right now I have ten pounds, and I was thinking about thirty is my goal. The main reason is just for added filtration. So would thirty pounds be suffice for my tank? And another question. I've heard LR will grow over regular rock you have in...
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    Found a new LFS

    I went to this place today called The Reef Connection about fifteen minutes away. It was a very small store, but very nice. The lady that works there was very helpful, and very knowledgable. The selection for fish was limited, but corals were great. I wish I had a reef tank, but someday I'll...
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    How much is live rock in your area?

    I've been doing some price checking on live rock lately. I've got three options to purchase it from. Adam's is 7.99 per pound with tonga branch and fiji Seascapes is 9.00 per pound for fiji, and 11.00 for florida I talked to one place today that has fiji for 6.99 per pound. I need to go in...
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    Has anyone else seen this happen?

    Over the weekend I was at a LFS looking around. I started watching a dogface puffer swim around. The dogface changed colors for no reason I could see. He was swimming, and then sat by a rock for awhile. Then his color went from a light brown to a dark brown. I've never seen this, and was...
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    My clown

    Ok I had an ich outbreak, and I know the symptoms of ich. Well I turned up the heat, and i have started hyposalinity to kill the ich. I tested this morning and all the levels are normal. One of my clowns seems like he's having seizures. He swims around, and eats fine. But once in awhile he...
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