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  1. B

    brain coral ID

    anyone know what type of a brain coral comes in blue? I have looked everywhere and can't find it. all I see is the red, green, pink sort of colors. anyway I will try to post a picture later. thanks for your time :) Jenn
  2. B

    small hitchhiker snail

    this came in on some live rock along time ago, he hasn't grown much and is still only about 1/3 of an inch long. trying to properly identify everything in my tank and I have no idea what this is. BTW thanks again fishfreek and reefrunner for the help with the tang lastnight. I appreciate it...
  3. B

    displaying a clam

    Hi, we are rearranging things in our tank (just changed substrate) and I was wondering how you all display your clams? At one LFS I was told you put it right in the sand, at another I was told you put it up on the rocks and at still another I was told you put it ON the sand ON a piece of grate...
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