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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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    What Happenned??

    I'm offline for 3 years and find the world has changed. lol What happened to the old gang? Has everyone quit and been replaced by newer members?? Where are the people that used to compete, in the morning, to see who would have the first morning post online. :) Anyways, just dropping by to say...
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    Great Barrier Reef Fish "Starving To Death"

    FISH species on the Great Barrier Reef are starving to death because climate change is killing off their food source, an environmental study has found. More details here: Sad, sad, sad reality of today's...
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    Positive Feedback - SerLunchbox

    A quick note to thank SerLunchbox for the quick shipment of the pump, which was received in its original box, along with all the attachments. Hooked up the pump for a few minutes and it ran well. Now, I just need the time to install it the way I want. :) Thanks again, SerLunchbox!! 8) 8)
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    Partial Water Change - 10 Minutes Solution

    Hey folks! I've had my tank for about 1.5 year now and I have always found that water changes were tedious, slow and wasting a lot of water using the python. Anyone else feels the same? Since I use a mag pump to mix my new water, I came up with the following idea and thought I would share it...
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    Poor little guy...

    I have had these two new green chromis for 8 days now. One is doing fine, eating weel and swimming about normally, doing the usual fish things. The other one tho, started to act up in the last 2 days. I was just observing for a while and he looks like he is inflated (bloated??). He is not a...
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    What's up with Aquarank??

    I am wondering about what happenned with the Aquarank site this morning. Before I left for work, we had 100 votes accumulated since Sunday morning. I arrive to work to find that Aquarium Advice is not there anymore. Uh??? :evil: We were in first place and now we don't even appear anywhere on...
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    Leaking Bulkhead - SOLVED

    Howdie folks! Well, when I moved, over a month ago, I had to dismantle my tank, etc... This included dismantling the 4 bulkheads/standpipe assemblies I have on my tank and re-assembling everything at the new location. I have spent a lot of time working on a different hardware setup since I...
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    DIY Auto Top Off with Solid State Relay

    Hey folks, I was rather quiet since I returned from vacation, but I was not idle. I got rather tired of running down and up the basement to start/stop my RODI water production, so I built myself a solid state relay (SSR). It uses a handful of parts, is relatively easy to assemble and can be...
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    Water Parameters

    Greetings all, I am presently at the point of being this close ->...<- to finally move my fishes into the main tank, but I am stumped (?) with water parameters.... My tank is 125 gal. with another 46 gal. contained in my filtering system. Two weeks in a row, I did a 30 gal. water change...
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    A little humour - Canadian weather... Eh!

    Some may have seen this one before, but I thought it was hilarious when I found this one. Enjoy! :D The Official Canadian Temperature Conversion Chart 50° Fahrenheit (10° C) New Yorkers try to turn on the heat. Canadians plant gardens. 40° Fahrenheit (4.4° C) Californians shiver...
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    Timestamp of postings

    I was wondering if the web server of AA keeps track of each user's specific time locale? It shows 2 hours behind for my latest post. I'm on EDT/EST. Just wondering. 8)
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    You've got mail...!!!

    Good day folks. Returned from vacation yesterday and I was expecting to see a couple thousand new messages..... Nope..... My screen showed over 12,000 emails!!!!!!! 8O :crazyeyes: :eggface: :eek2: No way I had that much time to read all those messages last night, considering...
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    Is anyone using Giesemann DE MH lamps??

    I am wondering if anyone is using these lamps, what you think of them? I am also wondering if anyone knows where to get DIY/retro kits for DE MH lamps? Thanks in advance! :) 8)
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    MH Selection - Suggestions Requested

    I am now at the stage where I have to select lamps for the tank, and I would appreciate suggestions/recommendations from the group. :) I was considering 4 x 250 Watt MH - 20 kelvin. The tank is 72" long and 20" deep and 18" wide. 125 gallons. Would I also require actinic tubes? I...
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    Serge's Tank

    Hi folks, I thought I would start a sort of progress log of my tank setup/installation. As things progress, I will do the occasional write-up and post picture updates. Of course, comments/suggestions will be welcomed. :) Hope I will not bore (?) anyone. :) 8)
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    Sick Chromis - With pics

    Umm... Yet another case of sick chromis. But how to describe it. I took over 60 pictures with a digital camera, but to no avail... Nothing decent to show the problem area on this poor little guy. When you look at him, at an angle, there is the appearance of a white something. But yet, when...
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    Liverock Dot Com

    Hello fellow canucks. :) I was wondering if anyone up here has ordered LR from, and how much were the import duties, if any. Any issues with customs? I am considering getting LR from them but with the exchange rates and import duties, I am unsure. Any info/advice would be...
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    Who has the biggest brain coral???

    Hey everyone! For those of you who have brain corals, you think you have the biggest one around? Think again! Check this one out! :eek2: 8O 8)
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    Purple stuff growing

    Hi everyone. I have this purple stuff that has been growing in my QT recently. I have made pics and I was wondering if this would be some form or coraline or cyano. Hope the pics are good enough to get an idea of what this stuff is. As seen on the pics, it grows on the LR, but also on the...
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    Filtration System

    Well, after spending the last 3 days huffing and puffing to set up my tank, now I find out that I cannot get my wet/dry filter unit inside the base. :censor: What I have is a Marineland Tidepool 2 with bio-wheel. So now, what's available out there? What can be used as a filtration system...
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    Red Algae

    Hi everyone. I have this thing that has started to grow all over in my QT. Last week I removed some of it when I did a partial water change, but it is coming back. I think it may be some kind of algae but I have no clues. :roll: Hopefully, the attached picture will show enough details for...
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    Braided PVC Tubing

    After spending some time at the local HD today, I saw something that could be interesting to use for plumbing my tank. The product is called Braided PVC Tubing and is transparent, rather thick with braid. Is anyone using this at all? Any comments/suggestions would be most welcome! Thanks! :)
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    Foggy Quarantine Tank

    Good morning everyone! Well, I am somewhat puzzled.... My first step in this new hobby was to setup the QT which I did last Sunday. Installed everything and added the salt mixture and the QT has been running nicely and the water was clear, except for tiny bubbles (caused by the returned...
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    Miscellaneous Questions - New Installation

    Hello All. After my 6th visit to the LFS, I am just about ready to take the plunge, so to speak. ;-) The tank will be in the range of 90 -> 120 Gallons, and we plan to ultimately have corals, anemones and invertebrates along with the fishes. So, my questions are: What kind of sand is...
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    Hello from Ontario

    Good day everyone. I just joined this web site to learn about choosing and setting up a sea water aquarium. I am an absolute newbie, except for a soft water aquarium I had when I was a teenager.... God that sounds so long ago. ;-) In any event, I just wanted to say "Hello from Canada!"...
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