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  1. eduguy

    Betta fins clamped and stomach enlarged

    I've had this betta for about a month. Took an internal filter from a different established tank and did daily water changes for the first week as the tank established. Haven't had any issues since so I don't think there's a problem with the cycle. Tank setup is a 2.5gallon heated with a 25 watt...
  2. eduguy

    Ammonia lowering, Nitrites still 0 in a fish in cycle?

    I started my fish in cycle last Saturday and began dosing Seachem stability. I tested the water on Tuesday after a water change on Monday and ammonia was around 1.0-2.0PPM. Today I tested the water after a water change yesterday and ammonia is around 0.5-1PPM. However, my nitrites are still 0...
  3. eduguy

    Is it okay to do two 50% water changes per day in an emergency while fish in cycling?

    An emergency as in Ammonia levels are very high even after doing a 50% PWC.
  4. eduguy

    Restocking a 10 Gallon

    Hi all, I'm back! I'm wondering what fish to restock my 10g as I'm moving my neons to a different tank. I frequently forget water changes so I don't want anything that if I forget one its deadzo. Thanks:fish2:
  5. eduguy

    red string from gill on tetras

    Hello. 1 of my cardinal tetra has a kind of red stringy thing coming out of its gills. He acts normal and schools with the other cardinals and neons. Whats wrkng, if anything Temp:80-84 Tankmates: neons and cardinals Water change: 2-4 weeks because i have decent amount of plants Thanks
  6. eduguy

    Aquascape Ideas

    Anybody have any ideas what to do with these rocks? Also, anybody have anything they think i should adjust in my tank? Thanks!
  7. eduguy

    Weird brown film?

    Hello I noticed there is this weird brown filmy stuff always in the water around my Java Fern and Java Moss. It makes the water look brown and dirty, and when I remove it out of the water, its a sort of film. What is this?
  8. eduguy

    Super fat neon tetra

    Hello, Yesterday I noticed that one of my neons was extremely fat. I dont know why, so thats why im here for help. 1)10g 2)4neon tetras are only fish 3) last time water change was wednesday this week 4) usually remove 20%, been a bit lazy lately so the changes were varying from every 2-4weeks...
  9. eduguy

    Fin rot?

    So I was looking at my betta and I noticed some fin looked shorter and a bit like fin rot. So I am here for help. I have attached pics. Size of aquarium: 2.5G Heater:Yes Water change schedule: generally 1 33% per 2 weeks, before noticing fin rot it had been around 3 weeks. Cycled: Yes How long...
  10. eduguy

    Photography Thread

    Post your best non-aquarium or aquarium pics.
  11. eduguy

    Cubing Corner

    This is a thread to ask questions about Rubiks Cubes and post your best time. My best recorded time: about 6 min 26sec (3x3)
  12. eduguy

    10 Gallon Tank Build

    This is my 10 Gallon Tank build. I made it a bit late so you will miss some pics. :(
  13. eduguy

    how to clean seachem flourite gravel?

    I read that this gravel makes you water very cloudy so is there a special way to clean this? Do you just clean this gravel for a really long time? Thanks :D
  14. eduguy

    Osmocote vs Osmocote+

    Can you use Osmocote root tabs? Is Osmocote+ better?
  15. eduguy

    How many root tabs?

    How many root tabs do you need? I have a 10 gallon tank with it with a 15 watt fluorescent tube light. I'm thinking of putting in these plants; 1 hornwort one corkscrew val 1 water wisteria one Java fern 1Crypt And a few Dwarf Sag I also be tieing down anubias to a rock and java moss to...
  16. eduguy

    What plants?

    What plantscan i get with about 1.5 watts per gallon?
  17. eduguy

    CO2 in tanks and plant questions

    Is CO2 an absolute must for heavily planted tanks with low stocking? Does Flourish or Flourish Excel help alot? Which plants are good for a 10g? Which plants are good for a 2.5g with a betta and driftwood?
  18. eduguy

    Anyone in the Lower Mainland?

    Where do you buy your fish?
  19. eduguy

    Garbage Bag backgrounds?

    I read that someone tried this. Has anyone else?
  20. eduguy

    What other hobbies do you have?

    What other hobbies do you have other than aquariums?
  21. eduguy

    Ehiem Jager Heater

    Can I use the Eheim Jager Heater in a Plastic Tank?
  22. eduguy

    Heater for 2.5g?

    Is it okay to heat a 2.5g acrylic Mini Bow with a heater made for 5-10g?
  23. eduguy

    My tank. What do you think?

    What do you think?
  24. eduguy

    Brown Spot on Neon Tetra

    What could this be?:confused: 10gallon 4 neon tetra
  25. eduguy

    Do I need to cool water

    Right now there is hot weather where i live and sometimes my tank temp goes to around 84 farheinheit. i keep it at 79 farheinheit normally. I keep Neon Tetras. Do i need to cool it?
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