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  1. DIZZLE808

    120g build

    So it's been like 2-3 years since I got out of the hobby. Since I moved into my new place a little over a year and a half ago I've been planning on getting back into hobby in like another year or two but as fate would have it... one of my neighbors moved out and he gifted me his 120g tank and...
  2. DIZZLE808

    Introducing new clown fish

    So i have 2 occy clowns in my 55. Had them a little over a year. Now if I were to introduce a black and white clown would they attack him just the same? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  3. DIZZLE808

    Got a nice shock today

    So i spilled some water taking out my skimmer collection cup. Didn't really pay attention until I put the cup back and got a little shock when my arm touched one of my Tao led fixtures. Should i even attempt to plug it back in? After it dries that is. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using...
  4. DIZZLE808

    What's growing on my rock

    Does anyone know what this is growing on my rock? It's brown in color. Rocks have been in this tank for about 2 years. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  5. DIZZLE808

    Can someone ID these zoas

    I've been having a hard time trying to positively ID these. At my lfs they just have them as zoanthids
  6. DIZZLE808

    Am I at my fish limit?

    Currently in my 55g I have: 2 occy clowns 2 BG Chromis 1 flame angel 1 bartletts anthias And 1 lawnmower Blenny I was hoping that I would be able to get an engineer goby in here but seeing as they get about a foot long I'm not too sure. I use a eheim canister fliter rated @ 250gph and a reef...
  7. DIZZLE808

    What else to put in my 55?

    Hey everybody. In my tank currently I have: 2 clowns 1 Bartlett anthias 1 flame angel 1 cleaner shrimp 1 banded coral shrimp 2 Halloween hermits 1 strawberry crab And a small colony of zoas Any ideas on what other fish i can safely add?
  8. DIZZLE808

    Painting background

    So this is probably a dumb question but here it goes. On my 55 I have one of those tape on backgrounds which I want to take off now. Could I take my current background off and paint it without taking everything out of my tank?
  9. DIZZLE808

    Mouth disease?

    Can anyone tell me what's going on with this guy? I noticed it a few days ago. Hard to see in the pic but it's like he has a dark split right in the middle of his mouth. Ph- 8.2 Ammonia- 0 Trites- 0 Trates - less than 5 Temp - 78 Eheim canister filter rated @ 250GPH Refer octopus bh2000 skimmer
  10. DIZZLE808

    Stocking ideas for 55gallon

    Hi everybody, so I'm struggling to decide what fish to house in my tank. Before velvet wiped out my tank this is what I had: 2 clowns 1 lemon peel angel 2 blue/green chromis 1 Kole tang 1 cleaner shrimp 1 coral banded shrimp 2 feather dusters 1 strawberry crab A few hermits and snails Right...
  11. DIZZLE808

    Mouth on clownfish turning white

    As I was adjusting the PH's in my tank I noticed my clown had some white around his mouth...any insight as to what it may be. He's been in the tank for about 2 weeks. 55 gallon Ph- 8.0 Ammonia-0 Trites-0 Trates-less than 20 Salinity- 1.024
  12. DIZZLE808


    I picked up this small colony of zoas a few weeks ago. Should I take them off the plug they're on or should I just leave them on there? I know you cant see the plug but its there. Admittedly my knowledge on coral is not that great.
  13. DIZZLE808

    Reef Octopus BH2000

    Hows it everybody. A friend of mine is getting out of the hobby and wants to sell me his reef octopus bh2000 HOB skimmer for $80. I told him yeah but I wanted to see if anyone has any experience with this particular skimmer ( i.e. the good, the bad, and the ugly). any input is greatly...
  14. DIZZLE808

    a little guidance needed

    So its been almost 2.5 months since velvet wiped out all the fish in my 55, now planning on getting everything back together. I have a question about setting up a QT. I'm currently using a eheim cannister filter, which I plan on changing to a sump sometime in the new year, but can I place a...
  15. DIZZLE808

    need help identifying...

    seems like overnight this happened to my lemon peel. I'm thinking its HLLE but I really don't know. So I'm hoping someone could help me out with this one. He's housed in my 55 gallon along with 2 clowns and 1 chromis. I had a Kole Tang who died on Sunday, which again seemed like it happened...
  16. DIZZLE808

    30g build

    So I ended up getting 30g tank and as you can see I didn't get the stand yet. I'm toying with the idea of making my own but I'm not sure yet. I got the EHEIM professional 3 ultraG65 canister filter rated at 250 GPH. The lighting is Marineland double bright LED (2 strips of white and 1 strip of...
  17. DIZZLE808


    In about 2-3 months I'm planning on starting my 150gallon tank and I'm totally stoked about it. I am new to this but I have "studying" for about the past 4 months or so (i do know that there is a ton more to learn) and at this point I feel comfortable moving forward with my tank and by that I...
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