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  1. Jcj0033

    What is this on my Bartletts

    I have about 10 Bartletts they were all doing fine in my qt tank and then all of a sudden they look terrible !! 1 died and 4 others look like this !! I have copper in the qt but it looks like uronema !! I don’t know what to do but I need to do something quick !! Any suggestions ?
  2. Jcj0033


    I bought a few new fish about 2 months ago I quarantined them for 3 weeks in Copper then added them to the tank. They have been in the main display for 2 months without showing any signs of velvet. Now I’m afraid I have a velvet outbreak !! The fish are cover in what is either ich or velvet and...
  3. Jcj0033


    So I have several fish in my qt tank 1 Scott’s fairy wrasse 2 bellus angels 1 tilefish 1 macelips tang and 9 chromis. The chromis died one by one until there were only 4 left. I noticed what looked like lateral line disease on my tang and the chromis had red patches on them which I assume is...
  4. Jcj0033


    I have a 250 gallon reef tank with over 30 fish in it. I was looking at my fish and well I have an ich outbreak. My powder blue tang is covered in ich but he is still swimming and eating. Should I be worried or will he be ok ? I do have a quarantine set up but it’s not big enough to House all of...
  5. Jcj0033

    Quarantine new fish

    How long should you quarantine new fish ? I have a quarantine tank it's a 55 gallon and I am running cupramine and Prazipro in it, I was wondering is 2 weeks long enough to quarantine fish ? I have had a orange shoulder tang, a Midas blenny and a kole tang in there for 2 weeks would it be safe...
  6. Jcj0033

    Sick naso

    So I bought a naso tang about a week ago on 6/8/17 and he wasn't eating but I bought him anyway the store had only had him a couple of days so I wasn't to worried about that. When I took him home he was really shy which is normal but the next day it look like he had a few scratches on him. Every...
  7. Jcj0033

    Sick fish

    I bought a sailfin about 3 weeks ago he as doing fine until yesterday, I noticed that he had a few white streaks on his fins, i thought he might have just scratched himself but later in the nite it got worse he was breathing heavy stopped and eating, by this morning he was dead. I need to know...
  8. Jcj0033

    UV sterilizer

    what are people's opinion on a uv sterilizer ? I was thinking of getting one. What are the pros what are the cons ? Will they help me with algae parasites and keep my water clean and pristine ?
  9. Jcj0033


    So I bought these two new swallowtail angelfish from live aquaria well I made a mistake. I didn't put them in my quarantine tank and now they have what looks like these white flakes on them. I know it's some kind of bacterial infection or some type of parasite. I really don't know what to do and...
  10. Jcj0033

    Freshwater dip

    What's the process of doing a fresh water dip on your saltwater fish ? How long should we leave them in there ? Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  11. Jcj0033


    What is everyone's opinion on a bio pellet reactor. Are they good at getting rid of nitrates and phosphates ? I want to make my tank a sps tank but I have nitrates and phosphates. I have a 275 gallon tank and 6 fish right now but I want to add at least about 15 more fish, small ones though...
  12. Jcj0033


    I am looking for a new skimmer, i have a 275 gallon tank with a 40 gallon sump, I thinking about getting the Nyos quantum 160 even though it's only rated for up to 265 gallons, what are your thoughts ? Do I need to go with something bigger or will that do just fine ? Sent from my iPhone using...
  13. Jcj0033

    Quarantine tank

    Well today is a very sad day and I am left feeling confused and frustrated on what to do. I recently set up a quarantine tank and placed 10 anthias inside of it. I was going to keep them in it for 3 weeks then put them in the main display tank, well I Did a routine water change yesterday evening...
  14. Jcj0033

    Water change

    I want to do 10 gallon water changes a week is that enough to keep my 275 gallon reef tank happy ? Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  15. Jcj0033

    Tank cycle

    I recently set up my 275 gallon tank about a month ago and now it seems to be stuck in the nitrite stage. It's been there for about 2 weeks, is this normal ? I used dry rock and the stuff was pretty nasty. I have been dosing bacteria from Bottle to help seed the tank. I was just wondering if...
  16. Jcj0033

    Fish list

    Hey guys I just set up my 275 gallon reef tank last week, I'm going to let it cycle for like a month before I put any fish in it, I have 2 questions. First how long does it take for the water to clear up after putting it in your tank ? And second I'm putting together a fish list, do u guys have...
  17. Jcj0033

    Tank cycling

    How long should it take for a 275 gallon reef tank to cycle, when can I put my livestock back in it. I had a 75 I am transferring to a 275 so I was wondering how long it will take to cycle. I am using all new dry rock and water because I am starting completely over. Sent from my iPhone using...
  18. Jcj0033

    Lighting and flow

    Will 4 ai Vegas be enough lighting for a 8 feet long 275 gallon reef tank ? And will 2 mp60's and 2 mp40's be enough flow for the tank ? Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  19. Jcj0033


    Has anyone had a bad bryopsis outbreak. If so how did you kill it, has anyone had any luck with Kent tech M to eliminate it ? Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  20. Jcj0033

    Algae growth

    So Some weird algae is starting to take over some of my rocks in my tank. It looks almost like clovers. It's vine like and its has completely cover my birdsnest and is starting to choke it out. How do I save my birdsnest, and how do I get rid of this algae. I bought turbo snails and and a...
  21. Jcj0033


    I recently bought a Scott's fairy wrasse from my local fish store and my regal tang hates him. He has been picking on him and biting him every chance he gets. He won't let him come out of the rocks. I was able to catch my blue tang and stuck him in my sump. How long should i leave him in there...
  22. Jcj0033

    Tonga branch

    Does anyone know where i can get tonga branch live or tonga branch dry rock from besides brs and marine depot ? Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  23. Jcj0033

    Huge bristle worms

    I bought some live rock from my local fish store and I noticed it had two huge fat 6 inch bristle worms in it, I know bristle worms are harmless but I dont want any in my tank that big. Should I just let the sun bake the live rock and turn it into dry rock and kill the live rock or should I...
  24. Jcj0033

    Dosing pump

    I am wanting to put a dosing pump on my new 275 gallon reef tank should I go with the bubble magus doser or the apex dos. Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  25. Jcj0033

    Dry rock

    What's the best and most efficient way to cure dry rock, I'm ordering some and I wanted to know what's the best way to cure it ? I'm also adding a few live rock pieces to help with beneficial bacteria. Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
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