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  1. Robynleigh

    Aussies - heaters

    When do u turn yours off?? Now the weather has warmed up (getting 27+ days here) curious to know
  2. Robynleigh

    Bacterial Bloom

    Hi guys just a quick one from me - I did a 50% water change 2 days ago - replaced the filter floss and washed the sponges in the dirty tank water - late last night the water started clouding - all levels are fine - have been testing like a mad woman thinking I'd done something - the only reason...
  3. Robynleigh

    Stressed Red Zeb

    Hi guys, I have a stressed out red zebra - she has been fine and then the past few days has been the victim of a bully - she has no injuries other than her mental state. I've removed her to her own tank to see how she recovers with cycled filter, air, I've given a little aquarium salt and have...
  4. Robynleigh

    Massive suprise means downsize

    So I've just found out I have a new little fry on the way - due November !!! Very unplanned but big suprise.. I am an extremely high risk pregnancy - my babies like to try to escape early... I'm still in shock but have to cut back to 2 aquariums :( bye bye Bristlenose set up... Bye bye...
  5. Robynleigh

    Urgent!!Sponge out of filter into new one

    My filter impeller just packed it in - it's 1.38am and I didn't need this to happen now - I have a HOB filter that can go in the tank - if I take the sponge out of the broken filter and stuff it in the hob - will my tank still be cycled??
  6. Robynleigh

    Happy birthday to meeeee

    My husband rocks - I woke up to find 3 red zebra cichlids and a replacement kadango for one I lost awhile back swimming around in my tank that I've wanted for awhile :) he is so well trained :) best birthday morning ever :) no wonder he helped do the water change yesterday and asked questions...
  7. Robynleigh

    Emergency!!! Tank exploded

    As the title says... My 2ft tank exploded early this morning. Saved all the guppies and gave them to a friend (worked well as I wanted them gone anyway) My issue is I have a 3cm pleco in there and 3 mystery snails - would they be ok in my cichlid tank?? Cichlids are all only juveniles.
  8. Robynleigh

    Angels.. Easy?? Set up??

    Hi all, as I posted in another thread I'm considering getting out of guppies and into angels... Having no luck with guppies but my cichlids are awesome :) What do I need for angels?? I'm only considering 2-3 of them, tank is 55ltrs that I'm considering using.. Any advice appreciated before I go...
  9. Robynleigh

    Really over my guppies!! Sad!!

    After a really awesome few weeks of my parameters being spot on, my females having babies, changing the substrate to sand, being really happy with everything etc, I'm having a bad run!! All my parameters are still spot on, I'm doing twice weekly 40-50% wc, everything right my guppies are coming...
  10. Robynleigh

    Plant ID please

    Anyone know what this is?? I'm considering buying some for my bettas, but not until I know what they are...
  11. Robynleigh

    Cleaning filter

    I have an old HOB filter sitting around - it's filthy... Any tips on what I can use to clean it?? Was thinking vinegar? But don't want to hurt my babies ;p any advice is great.. (By filthy - I mean really bad!!)
  12. Robynleigh

    Gross!!! So angry!!

    Just got a bag of guppies from the petshop, asked for 2 males 3 females - the rest are fine but was given this - silly me didn't check the bag before I left, I had my 2 little ones with me and they were running around crazy :( I'll be going back there this afternoon with this!!!
  13. Robynleigh

    Changing substrate Q's

    I want to change my substrate in my 55ltr guppy tank from gravel to sand... Will this upset the tank and cause me to have to cycle it??? It's had gravel forever and I am over it!! Any tips advice on changing it would be great!!
  14. Robynleigh

    Worming fish??

    So being (reasonably) new back into fish keeping - I just had a thought as I was worming the kids and cats lol - is there a way to worm fish???!!!
  15. Robynleigh

    Black moor urgent help!!!

    so my son was given a black moor a little over a week ago. I wasn't impressed at first due to how many tanks I already run, I put him in our old 60litre tank for him (cycled-has been for a long time) and now he is part of the family - my son loves him!! Yesterday I noticed he didn't seem quite...
  16. Robynleigh

    Diy cheap tank divider

    Anyone have any tips? Materials etc - basically I want to be able to keep my fry in the tank seperated as husband is getting narky about the number of tanks scattered around the house lol... Thought if I can keep the babies safe in the main tank would cut one tank down ;p
  17. Robynleigh

    Guppy is having babies now!!

    Sooooo excited I always miss it!! Only 1 so far!! Hope she does well!!!
  18. Robynleigh

    Got my cichlids today!! ;)

    My new babies arrived today!! 3 x blue dolphins, 3 x electric yellows 3 x kadango 3 x flamebacks!!! All looking amazing - their colours are all coming out more now as they settle into the tank - all eating, pooping, playing in the sand and caves and all getting along nicely together!!!!
  19. Robynleigh

    aqua one 104f maxi

    I got one of these today - I'm planning on running it in my 150ltr tank - is there anything I need to do with this type of filter? Like add any media to it etc??
  20. Robynleigh

    My snails left me a Christmas present

    :p My first mystery snail eggs ;p
  21. Robynleigh

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to you all and have a wonderful day :) hope Santa brings you lots of fish things :) Lots of blessings Robyn :)
  22. Robynleigh

    Urgent Help!! Hot tank!!

    It's stinking hot here already at 10.30am and my tank is already running at 30 degrees!! Is there a way to cool it?!! Can I float a bag with ice water in it - I don't want to shock my babies!!
  23. Robynleigh

    My first tank rebuild

    I was given a 3ft tank awhile back which a busted base, the rest of it was in fairly good condition - so I decided that hubby and I could rebuild it!! We have never done anything like this before and we are so excited!! (Well I am - he maybe isn't lol) He pulled it apart on Saturday for me...
  24. Robynleigh

    Test results

    Can anyone just set my mind at ease here?? GH 120 KH 80 Ph 7.0 NO2 0 N03 <20 Are these ok??
  25. Robynleigh

    Getting started with Chiclids??

    Thought I'd come say hello - I'm Robyn and I'm dreaming of blue dolphins... What do I need/need to do to have happy healthy blue dolphins? The tank I am planning on using is a 3ft tank - it's the biggest I can go at the moment, how many do you think I could keep happily and safely in it...
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