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  1. blackandwhite


    I think my gold severum is constipated. It's belly is totally bloated and it's normally dark poop is a light grey color and not really coming out. And today it didn't attack the food as it normally does. What should I do?
  2. blackandwhite

    Ready to pop?

    I just put my two pregnant platies in a nursery tank but I feel bad about the small space. Best I can tell they've been pregnant since about 4th of July. How long can they stay in the small space? How close are they to giving birth? Do they give birth all at once or are there still babies in...
  3. blackandwhite

    Murder in the tank

    Hi. I believe I have a murderer in my tank. I went to turn the lights on in the tank this morning and noticed one of my platy was dead and stuck in the roots of my plant. This was really surprising to me because he'd had no symptoms and had been totally fine and eating with everyone just the day...
  4. blackandwhite

    Coral in trouble!

    Hi all. My little platy Coral is sick and I don't know what's wrong. She has been very reclusive the past week. At first I thought maybe she's pregnant and is trying to get that going but then I noticed that she would not eat. She took to hiding away at the top corner of the tank behind the...
  5. blackandwhite

    Appropriate current

    Hi guys. This is my newly stocked 90 galling tank. As you might see in the picture my filter outlet is on top right and I have a powerhead at the top left of the tank. I have some platty, roseline sharks, oto, and two little severums in there. I was wondering what the appropriate amount and...
  6. blackandwhite

    Michigan fish store

    Hi. Anyone here in the Michigan Ann Arbor, Dearborn area? Do you guys know of a good fish store that I can check out? I'll be willing to drive for a couple hours even. Let me know. Thanks.
  7. blackandwhite

    Is my cycle done?

    I have been cycling a 90 gallon for about two months now and I am now wondering if my cycle is done. My tank cycles 4ppm of ammonia to zero in 24 hrs and nitrite and nitrate to zero in about two days. I've been at this rate for about two weeks now, but the process is not getting any faster...
  8. blackandwhite

    Cycling advice

    Hi. I am fishless cycling for the first time and I need advice/ reassurance. I have been testing fairly regularly and my tank can now cycle around 3 ppm of ammonia overnight and my nitrite and nitrates are off the chart. Through the whole process my pH has been fairly stable, starting at...
  9. blackandwhite

    What is this growth?

    Can anyone tell me what this white stuff growing on my driftwood is? I am in the middle of my fishless cycle and the light in my tank is never on, I turned it on tonight just to have s look and noticed his white fuzzy stuff growing in the cracks of my driftwood. How concerned should I be? And...
  10. blackandwhite

    Compatibility question

    Hi guys I just watched a video on YouTube about electric blue acara's and how they ate the tummy nose tetras in this guys tank, and this concerns me since I was considering them for a community tank. I am also considering getting a severum for my tank and am wondering would the severum eat...
  11. blackandwhite

    Stocking advice

    Hi all I am in the process of cycling a 90 gallon tank. This will be my first experience in fish keeping and I am trying to plan everything properly so that hopefully I won't lose any fish. Here is a list of the kinds of fish I have in mind and how many. If you could please let me know if the...
  12. blackandwhite

    New tank ammonia

    Hi all I have just put together my first tank and I started adding ammonia today. But I am very confused as to how much ammonia I need to actually put in. A couple hours after putting in 1.8 ml of ammonia in my 90 gallon tank, I tested the water with the AP test kit and had a reading of .25...
  13. blackandwhite

    Pure ammonia?

    Hi all I have just put my FIRST TANK EVER together and am starting my cycle. I already had some ammonia in my garage and all it lists for ingredients is ammonia and surfactant. It specifically says no phosphates. Would this be considered pure ammonia? Or is the surfactant going to destroy my tank?
  14. blackandwhite

    Upstate NY?

    Hi guys. I recently joined the forum and wanted to know if any one here's from upstate ny. More specifically ithaca.
  15. blackandwhite

    Petsmart... Thoughts?

    Hi I am looking to buy my first tank and so far petsmart seems to have the best prices for a reasonable size and quality. Does anyone have a tank from petsmart? Are you happy with the quality of the tank? Where would you recommend I shop for my first tank?
  16. blackandwhite

    Fish tank advice

    Hi all I'm looking at a 58 gallon penn plax bow glass aquarium tank with stand priced at $680. Does anyone know this tank or the manufacturer? Is this a reasonably priced tank?
  17. blackandwhite

    New tank fish poll

    Hi fish keepers I am making plans for my first fish tank and need advice on fish compatibility. Ideally I'd like to have 3-4 anglefish, 6-8 colorful schooling fish. The problem I am facing is finding a type of schooling fish that would be compatible with angelfish and have the right look...
  18. blackandwhite

    Gouramis and angelfish

    I have been reading a lot of contradicting stuff about these two fish. Their compatibility and numbers to be more specific. Aren't gouramis schooling fish? Some sources say as long as there is only one male per tank things will be fine others say you can't have more than one or two. One...
  19. blackandwhite

    Total noob 2.0

    Total noob indeed!!!! I just made this post in the intro forum, which now I realize was an inappropriate forum for my questions :oops:. So here it is with a bit of editing. I am hoping to start my first aquarium and would like some help with figuring things out and planning properly. I...
  20. blackandwhite

    Total noob

    Hi all, I have flirted with the idea of a fish tank for a long time and finally I've decided to take the plunge. I've been doing a little bit of online and pet store research and have lots of questions. I'd appreciate any advice and ideas that you have. I am here to learn from your...
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