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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. T

    Feedback on Hatchetfish, Furcata, Gourami

    In 2014, everyone here helped me get my first aquarium off to a healthy start. It was 29 gallons, lightly planted, with Orange-finned Danio, Harlequin Rasbora, the little dudes with the orange stripe (Glowlight Tetra?), Candycane Tetra, and Otos. Eventually I went to 55 gallons, with some...
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    Rebuilding 2 Tanks - Java Moss Problems

    Wow, long time no see. 3 years, from the look of it. This will run long; I appreciate help critiquing my plan to rebuild 2 tanks, and thoughts on this java moss issue. First a big :thanks: ... I first came here in 2014 I think, after killing several bettas in the previous year. With your...
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    Cat, or kitten, with fish tank?

    I tried to put this in general area but it won't let me ... forgive my putting it in getting started. We are getting cats this weekend. Or kittens. I'm leaning toward adult cats for several reasons but then begin to think, no start with kittens so it's normal for their entire lives to not try...
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    14 gallon betta mates?

    Yes I've kept Bettas in a community tank before. Looking for fresh ideas. This one is at work -- a little positive PR for the betta, I hope (look how happy, interesting, and healthy when not kept in a tiny betta cube!) The LFS is The Wet Spot, where I can get pretty much anything. Home Neons...
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    Anyone keep Guinea pigs?

    I so don't want to join a separate forum if I don't have to ... :) Little man was excited to have his own tank with frogs for his 4th birthday but at 6+, when the frogs died, he asked for something furry. Looking for opinions and info on habitat and logistics, so I can assess whether I can...
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    Trenna's first "OPP" tank

    On Purpose Planted, that is. ---On hand ... 10 gallon "no mommy I don't want a new betta I want a gerbil" tank. Algae city. Generic hood with a "sunlight" bulb, likely power source for algae city. Cheapie filter. Black "Carib Sea" sand, very pretty but inert. Pirate ship, barrels...
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    As tanks age ...

    How do you manage the changing population? My original stock, which I don't want to repeat, is aging and dying off. I worry about the fish that don't have a lot of their species as companions, but acquiring additional fish of a variety I prefer not to keep ... My tank is now about 75%...
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    With a 2 year old "my first tank" that's gotten to be pretty hodgepodge? It wasn't intended to be planted, when I first built it. So. The goal is a medium maintenance, probably no co2 (expense), low to medium light planted tank that is easier to care for and put together with more intent ...
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    Angelfish in a 10 gallon for a few days?

    I have a 9 month old angelfish, body is about 3-4" tall, master of my 56 gallon column. Said tank needs some major work -- the vals have put up runners everywhere and I'd like to redo the hard scaping ... The angel loves this cave under some driftwood but he's gotten too tall, so I'd like to...
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    Fish and earthquakes

    We Portlanders are slowly recognizing we are truly in an earthquake zone ... I'm sure there's a point past which there is little that can be done to prevent losing a tank, but what are a few of the things that may make the difference in moderate quakes? Sent from my iPhone with three hands...
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    Struggling with temp

    Does the heater need to be placed faaaaaaaaar from the filter activity? My tank keeps running about 80 (heater set for 76) and I turned the temp down on the heater (to 74) and now the temp reads 82! The heater is on the back wall of the tank, which also has four ins/outs, because I run two...
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    Swap: Trade: Root tabs for plants

    I have DIY Osmocote root tabs, would like to trade for plants! More about these root tabs in the immortal thread, "Mebbid's DIY root tabs." New plant home would be either a 10 gallon med-high light that gets Excel, or a 56 column that get low-med. Interested in just about anything...
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    What on earth?!

    2 days ago I noticed a rosy Tetra's body had turned white where it's tail begins at is body. Tonight I see the whole tail fin is missing!! It's still working hard at swimming around, eating, but geez! No other symptoms and nobody else seems ill. Now maybe you're thinking "body turned white...
  14. T

    Life expectancy of (PetSmart) Tetras?

    Only 2 years? I've had a really healthy tank for 2 years, no incidents of ammo/nitrite spikes, no algae bloom, no illness running through the fish. But recently I've been losing one glow light tetra every 10 days or so. Two harlequin rasboras too. They decline very slowly, each in a...
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    Hacking a canister filter ...

    Shouldn't there be a way to "hack" a filter such that you could put 2 buckets on the floor ... One empty one clean water ... And just press "go" to change out 5 gal of water? Bonus if It can be set to make the change slowly ... Sent from my iPhone with three hands tied behind my back.
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    Sword plants turning brown at stems

    Ruffle sword ... The brown starts from the bottom of the stem and creeps its way up to the leaf Med light tank, excel and osmocote root tabs. Sent from my iPhone with three hands tied behind my back.
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    Did I starve my Otos?

    I feel like the worst fish keeper ever ... After bragging now and then that I've never lost an Oto in 18 months of keeping them, I've lost one for sure, possibly more, and two seem close behind. I have 10, and used to throw in 1 omega one algae wafer a day, crushed and tossed in the Otos...
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    Allergy to Excel ...?

    Excel has that warning on its label about developing a sensitivity, and I think I am ... What's the alternative? I have two low-medium light tanks, inert substrate, minimal ferts and am not eager to spend a ton on higher lights, co2 systems, and then have more maintenance. Sent from my...
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    What did I do?

    Cleaning a canister filter for the first time (a fluval 106), which was otherwise an amazing experience ... When I turned it back on, it blew this HUGE cloud of red gunk (the color the fish poo always is) into the tank. I did unplug it before flipping the lever to stop the flow, instead of...
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    Easy fish with interesting behavior?

    "Easy" like, good for beginners and happy in a 29 gallon. And under what conditions? I'm watching a trio of rosy tetras "dance", some danios tear around the tank like teenagers on skateboards, Otos bounce around like squirrels ... Glowlight neons look pretty but the behavior is boring ...
  21. T

    Moss+Agar in food processor?

    Has anyone tried this? I saw a reference to the process online ... Chop it up and then spread it where you want it ... Sounds too good to be true? Sent from my iPhone with three hands tied behind my back.
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    Desktop No-Tech Nano Build

    My dry succulent terrarium is dying, so it's time to do what I do best (justify having another planted fish tank). After some research the first-draft plan is: 6 Gallon Rimless Bookshelf Tank, about 23"x6"x9" ADA Amazonia Substrate Indirect southern sunlight, a spot where med-high...
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    Has anyone had a danio species tank?

    Just curious, as their behavior can be so fun to watch. Our LFS has a dozen or more varieties that have very interesting coloration, even. Also curious ... If the giant danio is the largest what could the smallest be without getting eaten. Sent from my iPhone with three hands tied behind...
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    Can shrimp be no tech?

    No heat no light no filtration? Sorry this is sort of a duplicate of one in the planted section ... I would like to put something near my desk at work, but the area doesn't have any outlets to spare (we are at the safe limit with an extension cord and stuff from a far wall). I'm curious if...
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    I'd like to put something small on my desk at work. No idea what might fit the parameters: There's no electrical supply nearby, but lots of light (indirect southern exposure plus fluorescents) and temps 65-75 year round with variations of no more than 3 degrees in a 24 hour period. Probably...
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