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  1. lberrey

    Advice on upgrading aquarium please

    Hi, I currently have a 160l aquarium and am upgrading to a juwel 350 which has been used as a marine tank previously. Can you advise if I will need to do anything with the internal filter which is with the juwel other? I was planning on using my current filter alongside this one until the one...
  2. lberrey

    New filter question......

    I have a fluval 306 filter which is not performing well at all. I have an Internet pf4 which has never been used. Will I be able to put the Internet in with the fluval until it builds up some bacteria etc or would I be ok to swap them over in my tank and use it right away. The tank and fish are...
  3. lberrey

    How many is too many???

    Hi, I bought a second hand 160l tropical aquarium and it came with some fish, there are some tetras and 17 bristle nose plecos. They range in size and there are 3 males although one is young and 5 fully grown females with the rest being young. They have been breeding but I just wonder if there...
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