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  1. Laeris

    Colorado Coral Con

    Colorado Coral Con Am I the only one excited about this? eh? eh? Bpo is actually taking time off work to go with me. Squee~ There were so many sponsor donations, they've actually set up two raffles. :brows:
  2. Laeris

    Fluval Chi

    Just got one today! Going to use one of the Aqueon Pro 100w heaters I already have. Ordered aragonite live sand, Wave-point 6" bright blue and daylight 10000k that has been reviewed on Youtube to be great for softies, Jebo 501 for cheato, floss and Purigen, Rio 50 pump, Instant Ocean salt, API...
  3. Laeris

    5.5 gal desktop empty

    Long story short, nuked it with a bowlful of hydrogen peroxide. :banghead: I was actually looking at class N black bar Endlers from AdrianHD, but wasn't convinced about 5.5 vs recommendation of 10 gal. I very well could move the adults to the 40 if (when) they breed, let the babies grow out...
  4. Laeris

    AA app iOS Browse disappeared

    Title pretty well covers it. Browse moved from middle to bottom of the option list and is now entirely gone. Please bring it back :) Quite necessary for getting to the appropriate topic for new posts, if nothing else.
  5. Laeris

    Failed molt?

    This isn't one of the two who died today, I already removed them but they had a similar bright red mark, nothing else on them. No ferts, no co2, 75F, 7.6 ph as usual, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, faint tinge for nitrates as usual and heavens yes I shook the bottle like a mad woman because I am rather...
  6. Laeris

    Wanted: Starter culture

    Looking for daphnia or similar for CPD and possibly rosy loaches. Would like to keep it under $20 with heat pack to Colorado. Shipping next Wed. for preference.
  7. Laeris

    Rosy loach

    I read these guys live with/near CPD and I like loaches, but don't want a snail eater. Does anyone have experience with these?
  8. Laeris

    eBay drop check

    Got two from bantamsaddletack, who ships from Idaho. Got them both for $13, and I didn't have to wait for them to come in from Hong Kong. Win!! Tossed some of that 4dkh I mixed up and three drops pH test, viola! ? Good to go! Got lucky as dickens, shrimp made it all alive with a bonus fry! You...
  9. Laeris

    Dwarf lily

    Looks like there's a bit on the left I can remove and plant. Not really sure how to go about it, though. Has anyone here done this successfully?
  10. Laeris

    Snails! Muahaha!

    Got a few zebra thorn nerite snails from Aquatic Arts, Zebra Nerites from Seascape Aquatics and a handful of trumpet snails from Tropical Treasures muahahahaha zebra nerite malaysian trumpet snails zebra thorn nerites :dance: Oh, and algae wafers, just in case. Can't go letting people...
  11. Laeris

    Ricciocarpus natans

    This came in from Han Aquatics today. Not a bad amount for a fiver.
  12. Laeris

    20L has been upgraded to a 55g

    I haven't ever messed with anything above 30. All I want are shrimp and little guys like the CPD and ember tetra. I'm ecstatic, don't get me wrong but whoa. It's like ordering a slider for a snack and being handed a $10 triple decker. Can I treat it like an overgrown 20/30g? Cycling rules...
  13. Laeris

    That's a terrible idea! Or... Is it?

    I have an utterly unreasonable attraction to duckweed. Love how it covers the whole surface, love the sort of ephemeral effect it lends, giggle at inverts who apparently defy gravity and wander around the underside. We've all read stories about choked filters, etc. They're the only reason I...
  14. Laeris

    Substrate options in Colorado

    I've been around CoS a bit looking for ADA Amazonian or Fluval Plant/Shrimp subs and come up with nothing. Anyone know of a shop anywhere between here and Ft Collins that actually carries something other than Eco Complete, fluorite and clay?
  15. Laeris

    Newb account, no General Retailers reply permissions

    I wanted to reply to an existing post on the General Retailers section of Buy/Sell/Trade forums. Boogers ? I read over the rules, I know classifieds has minimum requirements but there wasn't one listed for reviews, nor on the sticky for the General Retailers thread. I'm not sure how I broke it...
  16. Laeris


    I started out on freshwater when I was 11, saving my allowance to populate an old acrylic hex a family friend gave me. Accidentally cycled the tank for two months while I saved up for food, treatments and fish. Fast forward 25 years, my fiancée got a 1.5g for a betta. The aquarium bug bit hard...
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