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  1. Z

    Help Getting My Tank Balanced

    Over stocking and get rid of the females. I have been in the hobby for 30 plus years and have always had African Mbuna’s. My theory is there are only a couple things to cause aggression, territory and females. Removing the females solves one issue now let’s talk about aggression, everyone wants...
  2. Z

    Where do you live?

    I’m in Buffalo.
  3. Z

    Wanted: Wanted Peacock African cichlids

    If there is anyone in the Buffalo Ny are selling peacock cichlids I would be very interested in hearing from you. Thanks
  4. Z

    New addition

    That’s what I’m hoping.
  5. Z

    New addition

    Say hello to Jake, lemon jake that is . I picked this beauty up st my LFS
  6. Z

    Thermometer not sticking to tank

    My guess is that your fish may be knocking it away from glass, my Mbuna cichlids are notorious for knocking mine away.
  7. Z

    What is this?

    That' correct a bumble bee Mbuna. They are very interesting fish, depending on their mood the males can turn a deep black. I have 2 currently , awesome fish.
  8. Z

    Cichlids and fish bowls

    Absolutely not!
  9. Z

    Cleaning cichlid caves.

    Hello everyone, I bought second hand about 25 cichlid caves/rocks I believe they are ceramic. My question is how can I clean and remove old dried algae on these caves so I can put them in my 75 gallon Mbuna tank. Thanks
  10. Z

    OB Peacock.

    Yes , he or she was eating like normal last evening, everything seems fine now. Thanks !
  11. Z

    OB Peacock.

    Hello fellow aquarist, I wounded if anyone has a option as to why this OB peacock is not eating the last few days, it almost seems disinterested. It looks healthy as can be swimming and fins are all normal and no signs of being picked on or sickness. Might it be a holding female? I bought second...
  12. Z

    Cichlid Maturity

    When you say African cichlids are you referring to Mbuna, haps or peacocks? The could be peacocks that take much longer to color up than say Mbuna’s. If they all look the same and lack color they maybe female peacocks which pretty much all look the same. If they are Mbuna’s size really doesn’t...
  13. Z

    Fluval 406 canister filter

    Hi have a brand new 406 that I set up for the first time, after priming for the first time I only had about 3 bubbles come from the outtake tube and then the bubbles stopped resulting in the canister not filling well th water. Does anyone have any advise or expertise as to how I can get canister...
  14. Z

    Where do you live?

    Wester Ny here, Buffalo Suburb .
  15. Z

    Sick of canister filters.

    That’s your personal preference and nothing wrong with that. My opinion is anything over a 75 gallon especially if they house aAFRICAN CICHLIDS CANIISTER are they way to go. You have much more choices as far as media goes to customize anyway you want. Having said that they are not for everyone...
  16. Z

    Fish identification

    Thanks, I know the hongi's were a steal, they were very small juveniles when I bought them for 1.00 a piece I have about 8 of them. At the time I didn't know what I had until they started to color up. I just bought a 75 gallon so know I can split up with Peacocks I one tank and Mbuna's in the...
  17. Z

    Fish identification

    Thank, my thoughts as well on the Hongi, the the yellow/orange ones are starburst Peacocks I know for sure thanks for replying.
  18. Z

    Fish identification

    Hi, can anyone tell me if these fish are Peacocks or Mbuna, they were bought as juvenile Peacocks but I suspect they may be Mbuna. Their fins are an orange rusty color with blueish vertical bars. Thanks
  19. Z

    Cloudy water.

    Please any suggestions are gladly welcome. I have a 38 gallon bow front with juvenile peacock cichlids. I just did a water change about 1/3 and also did a vacuum job, every time this happens and clears up after about 24 hours. I can't seem to figure out why. If I remember right this doesn't...
  20. Z

    Identify help Please !

    The bottom photo fish on right is a OB peacock, that I know. For sure. Thanks
  21. Z

    Identify help Please !

    Hi, thanks, I know the vertical stripped ones are peacocks and the orange ones are sunburst, not thinking the darker brownish ones are OB blotched. The photos aren't showing very well but depending on their mood they get quite dark and their top fins are reddish/orange in color.
  22. Z

    Identify help Please !

    Hi, I bought a mixed bag of juvenile Mbuna. & Peacock cichlids, can anyone help in identifying what they are. The orange ones are sunburnt peacocks that I bought myself, any, help would be greatly appreciated.
  23. Z

    New to cichlids

    Everything looks great however you may want to reconsider the Dolphin cichlid, he will outgrow your tank pretty quickly, they get really big.
  24. Z


    Hello friends, I would like opinions on Demasoni cichlids. I have heard all the stories. My question is can they be kept in a Mbuna community tank. Thanks.
  25. Z

    Beat up Cichlid ?

    Your problem is your tank is much to small for cichlids. 55 gallon is the minimum for keeping cichlids. My advice is go as big as you can afford. Also overcrowding is the key to lesson aggression.
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